FQAS CACurriculum and Assessment
Course Information
This competency grouping is part of the WTCS Faculty Quality Assurance System (FQAS) Competency Framework.
The FQAS Competency Framework contains shared competencies and performance standards that will be utilized for professional development under the Faculty Quality Assurance System. Each WTCS college has discretion in regard to how these competencies and performance standards are delivered.
Development Date: July 2021
WTCS Education Director: Mandy Johnson
Total Credits
Course Competencies
Use performance-based curriculum to guide learning and assessmentAssessment StrategiesOral, Written, or Skills AssessmentCriteriaincorporate the performance based-learning modelalign the course outcome summary document, learning strategies and assessment with your plan for learningintegrate core abilities, program outcomes, and/or external standards in your courseexamine the relationship between your course and the larger program of study
Integrate formative and summative assessments aligned to outcomesAssessment StrategiesOral, Written or Graphic AssessmentCriteriadistinguish between formative and summative assessmentdevelop an assessment plan that includes formative and summative assessment techniques throughout a coursedevelop formative assessment strategies aligned to specific learning outcomesevaluate formative and summative assessmentsutilize a variety of formative and summative assessment strategies appropriate for your learning outcomesintegrate rubrics or other evaluation tools
Use data to inform decision making about the teaching and learning processAssessment StrategiesOral, Written or Graphic AssessmentCriteriaidentify student level disaggregated data to inform decision making about teaching and learningdifferentiate among course, program, and institutional assessmentanalyze student performance data to improve the effectiveness of assessment strategiesanalyze assessment data to make decisions on instructional practices to improve student successshare data with colleagues at the department/program level for analysis and shared decision making and support
Communicate feedback to promote student learning and engagementAssessment StrategiesOral, Written, or Skills AssessmentCriteriaidentify a timeline for providing feedback to studentsidentify methods for providing feedback to studentsassess the effectiveness of your feedback to studentsprovide regular and substantive (actionable, constructive, and specific) feedback referencing assessment criteria
This Outline is under development.