50-442-524Metallurgy & FCAW and GTAW Welding
Course Information
This is the fourth course in the related instruction portion of the Welder-Fabricator Apprenticeship program. This course explores the welding procedure specifications and standards for FCAW and GTAW. Apprentices will also learn about metallurgy, distortion control, and rigging and lifting. Learning plans include both classroom activities and hands-on welding projects in both welding processes.
Total Credits
Course Competencies
Weld according to FCAW standards and specifications (16 hours)Assessment Strategiesby submitting completed learning activity worksheets to your instructor for review and feedbackby participating in classroom discussion and small group activitiesby demonstrating skills related to this competency in shop, lab, and classroom performanceby submitting a FCAW summary paper and remedy table and submitting it to your instructor for review and feedbackby submitting FCAW welding applications projects to your instructor for review and feedbackCriteriaapprentice summarizes the FCAW standardsapprentice analyzes job specificationsapprentice compares specifications to standardsapprentice uses FCAW equipment efficientlyapprentice selects accessories appropriatelyapprentice compares weld typesapprentice prepares parts for weldingapprentice produces welded joints in accordance to standards and specificationsapprentice applies welding standard to various positionsapprentice interprets technical manuals and welding related informationapprentice applies industry standardsapprentice inspects welding equipment and completes equipment validationapprentice troubleshoots welding and shop equipmentapprentice monitors new and emerging welding technologies
Apply metallurgical principles to welding, heat treating, mechanical stresses, fabrication, and assembly work processes (32 hours)Assessment Strategiesby submitting completed learning activity worksheets to your instructor for review and feedbackby participating in classroom discussion and small group activitiesby demonstrating skills related to this competency in shop, lab, and classroom performanceby submitting completed shop lab reports to your instructor for review and feedbackCriteriaapprentice applies math skills to metallurgical principlesapprentice interprets prints and job specifications accuratelyapprentice applies metallurgical principles based on job specificationsapprentice applies distortion control techniques correctlyapprentice monitors heat input correctlyapprentice compares metal distortion and various control techniquesapprentice summarizes metallurgical issues from joining dissimilar metals
Rig, lift, and move materials, parts, and finished goods (4 hours)Assessment Strategiesby completing a brainstorming chart which classifies rigging, lifting and moving equipment and devices, and submitting it to your instructor for review and feedbackby participating in classroom discussion and small group activitiesby demonstrating skills related to this competency during shop, lab, and hands-on learning activitiesby completing a written rigging and lifting plan in response to a case study scenario, and submitting it to your instructor for review and feedbackCriteriaapprentice uses proper rigging techniquesapprentice uses proper lifting techniquesapprentice uses proper moving techniquesapprentice using effective communication
Apply distortion control techniques to job setup operations & according to job specifications (4 hours)Assessment Strategiesby submitting completed learning activity worksheets to your instructor for review and feedbackby participating in classroom discussion and small group activitiesby demonstrating skills related to this competency in shop, lab, and classroom performanceCriteriaapprentice applies math calculations to job setup and distortion control accuratelyapprentice describes the metallurgical effects from heating, welding, cutting, and formingapprentice explains heat treatment effects on metalapprentice demonstrates flame straighteningapprentice summarizes localized hardeningapprentice explains metal distortionapprentice compares various control techniquesapprentice describes key factors involved in joining dissimilar metals
Weld according to GTAW standards and specifications (16 hours)Assessment Strategiesby submitting completed learning activity worksheets to your instructor for review and feedbackby participating in classroom discussion and small group activitiesby demonstrating skills related to this competency in shop, lab, and classroom performanceby submitting a GTAW summary paper and remedy table and submitting it to your instructor for review and feedbackby submitting GTAW welding applications projects to your instructor for review and feedbackCriteriaapprentice summarizes the GTAW standardsapprentice analyzes job specificationsapprentice compares specifications to standardsapprentice uses GTAW equipment efficientlyapprentice selects accessories appropriatelyapprentice compares weld typesapprentice prepares parts for weldingapprentice produces welded joints in accordance to standards and specificationsapprentice applies welding standard to various positionsapprentice interprets technical manuals and welding related informationapprentice applies industry standardsapprentice inspects welding equipment and completes equipment validationapprentice troubleshoots welding and shop equipmentapprentice monitors new and emerging welding technologies