50-427-753Water Distribution 1
Course Information
This course provides the apprentice with the skills to identify, design, install and service various applications for water supply systems that are listed in plumbing codes. Apprentices will use the code language and tables to in various plumbing systems in accordance with the Wisconsin Plumbing Code. Course topics will include commercial to single family and private well pump systems. The course focuses on theory, work experience, and the application of plumbing code principles through discussions, drawing exercises, work sheets, and evaluations.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Determine building demand
    Assessment Strategies
    by determining the building demand on a written exam
    using tables 82.40-1 and -2 and -3 in the code
    you have a complete fixture list
    you have identified public and non-public fixtures
    you have identified bathroom groups
    you have identified continuous flow devices
    you have determined whether the system is predominately flushometer or predominately flushtank based upon GPM
    you interpolate between values given on table 3

  2. Calculate uniform pressure loss
    Assessment Strategies
    by determining the pressure available for uniform loss on a written exam
    given the water calculation sheet
    using the meter pressure loss graph
    using the material friction loss graph(s)
    you draw out your lines on the applicable pressure loss graph(s)
    you interpret the applicable pressure loss graph to within the reasonable psi for that graph (clarify with instructor)
    you have labeled the written test with the code reference for your source of information
    you have identified the controlling fixture and the pressure required
    you show your work on the written test to demonstrate how you have arrived at your answer

  3. Assign Water Supply Fixture Units (WSFU) to the piping system
    Assessment Strategies
    by determining the WSFU value for each piece of pipe on a written exam
    using tables 82.40-1 and -2
    you have a complete fixture WSFU list
    you have identified public and non-public fixtures
    you have assigned a WSFU or GPM load to each piece of pipe
    you have identified bathroom groups
    you have identified continuous flow devices

  4. Determine minimum pipe size
    Assessment Strategies
    by determining the minimum size for each pipe on a written exam
    using tables 82.40-4 through -11
    you have created a pipe sizing table
    you have identified bathroom groups
    you have identified continuous flow devices
    you have assigned a WSFU or GPM load to each piece of pipe

  5. Determine installation requirements for water supply systems
    Assessment Strategies
    by determining on a written exam all of the installation requirements for miscellaneous items given
    you have applied code requirements to each of the miscellaneous items on the exam