50-423-726Green Awareness for the MMMP Trades (C-17)
Course Information
Green Awareness for the MMMP Trades examines how green projects and sustainable manufacturing initiatives relate to energy efficiency, energy consumption, waste reduction, and changing work processes for the MMMP related trades. Priorities related to cost awareness, energy efficiency, predictive and preventative maintenance, new materials, bearing maintenance, and precision laser alignment are included in this course. Each competency can stand alone and be added to existing modules in the paid related instruction program, or the course can be delivered in its entirety as a new module in the curriculum. Estimated hours shown with each competency are intended to guide educators and employers with planning, and may be modified to meet local needs. Course was formerly the C-17 module in related instruction for the MMMP apprenticeship programs.
Total Credits
Course Competencies
Be aware of costs, and the business motive for green projects and sustainable manufacturing improvements. (new C-17 module) Estimated time = 4 hoursAssessment Strategiesby completing compressed air loss and cost estimate worksheetsby completing downtime cost per minute worksheets for various plant scenariosby completing misalignment cost worksheetsby completing equipment balance cost/benefit comparisonsby writing a summary of the business motives behind waste reductions and cost savings from green programs and sustainable manufacturing improvementsby submitting completed work to the instructor for review and feedbackCriteriaapprentice correctly identifies the costs associated with running equipmentapprentice estimates air losses and costs associated with air leaksapprentice identifies the costs of misalignmentapprentice estimates the costs associated with balanced and unbalanced equipmentapprentice identifies plant and facility energy and resource wastesapprentice calculates the costs of downtime and runtime ratios/metricsapprentice identifies best practicesapprentice applies world class costs and benchmarking accuratelyapprentice summarizes the business motives behind green programs and sustainable manufacturing effortswritten summary is grammatically correct, error free, and adheres to the guidelines provided by the instructorwritten summary identifies the key pointswritten summary includes only relevant and necessary details
Analyze energy efficiency initiatives for industrial plants, equipment and facilities. (new C-17 module) Estimated time = 4 hoursAssessment Strategiesby summarizing energy efficient equipment options and alternatives in a written reportby submitting completed work to the instructor for review and feedbackCriteriaapprentice describes energy efficient equipment options correctlyapprentice identifies resource requirements accuratelyapprentice compares energy efficient options and alternativesapprentice summarizes energy efficiency technical information clearly and conciselywritten summary is grammatically correct, error free, and adheres to the guidelines provided by the instructorwritten summary identifies the key pointswritten summary includes only relevant and necessary details
Be aware of new materials and options for work processes. (new C-17 module) Estimated time = 4 hoursAssessment Strategiesby conducting Internet research related to new energy efficient materials and options for equipment and operationsby sharing a summary of your key research findings during class discussionby participating in class discussions as others share their research resultsCriteriaapprentice identifies online resources efficientlyapprentice accurately summarizes technical information related to new materialsapprentice provides relevant examples of applications of new materials for plants and facilitiesapprentice encourages class participation and facilitate questions and answersapprentice enters into class discussionsapprentice offers questions or comments during class presentationsapprentice actively listens during class
Relate predictive and preventative maintenance testing procedures to green and sustainable manufacturing principles. (add to C-15 or C-17) Estimated time = 8 hoursAssessment Strategiesby comparing predictive and preventative maintenance tests including laser alignment, vibration analysis, oil analysis, ultrasonic testing, and thermal imagingby relating predictive and preventative maintenance tests to reducing downtimes, improving equipment performance, and reducing costsby summarizing how precision laser alignment of rotating machinery contributes to energy efficient operations and sustainable manufacturingby submitting completed work to the instructor for review and feedbackCriteriaapprentice explains the business motive for predictive maintenanceapprentice describes the business motive for preventative maintenanceapprentice compares and contrasts predictive and preventative maintenance testingapprentice applies predictive and preventative maintenance to cost reductions, energy efficiency and sustainable manufacturing principlesapprentice relates testing procedures used in vibration analysis to predictive and preventative maintenanceapprentice relates testing procedures involved in oil analysis to predictive and preventative maintenanceapprentice relates testing procedures involved in ultrasonic testing to predictive and preventative maintenanceapprentice relates testing procedures involved in thermal imaging to predictive and preventative maintenanceapprentice relates testing procedures involved in precision laser alignment to predictive and preventative maintenanceapprentice correlates precision laser alignment to reduced energy consumption and more efficient operations
Perform precision laser alignment on rotating machines and equipment. (addition to C-15 or C-17) Estimated time = 16 hoursAssessment Strategiesby completing precision laser alignment of equipment and components following industry accepted practicesby submitting completed a laser alignment test results to your instructor for review and feedbackby summarizing how laser alignment contributes to energy efficient operationsCriteriaapprentice assesses potential hazards before starting testing and takes appropriate corrective actionapprentice follows lockout and tagout safety procedures properlyapprentice selects suitable laser alignment equipmentapprentice inspects, tests, and zeros out laser equipment correctlyapprentice installs and handles laser alignment equipment properlyapprentice adheres to safety requirements and uses proper PPE while testingapprentice tests for vertical and horizontal alignment and all planesapprentice interprets test results accuratelyapprentice records as-found and as-left test results properlyapprentice adjusts motors, shafts, and related equipment and components based on laser alignment test resultsapprentice re-tests precision alignment following equipment adjustments to verify resultsapprentice applies precision laser alignment to pumps/motors, longer shafts, and right angle alignmentsapprentice uses test results to fix soft foot problemsapprentice adheres to industry accepted standard operating procedures for precision laser alignment
Be aware of bearing maintenance procedures that contribute to reduced costs. (addition to C-17) Estimated time = 4 hoursAssessment Strategiesby conducting Internet research related to bearing maintenanceby sharing a summary of your key research findings during class discussionby participating in class discussions as others share their research resultsby submitting a list of websites you reviewed to your instructor for review and feedbackCriteriaapprentice identifies online resources efficientlyapprentice accurately summarizes technical information related to bearing maintenance, replacement, and serviceapprentice provides relevant examples of applications of bearing maintenance for a variety of industrial applicationsapprentice compares methods to prevent bearing contamination and seal failureapprentice encourages class participation and facilities questions and answersapprentice enters into class discussionsapprentice offers questions or comments during class presentationsapprentice actively listens during class