47-455-455Transition to Trainer: Your Role as a Skilled Worker Trainer
Course Information
Registered Apprenticeship training is a collaborative partnership: employer and employee associations, government, and educational institutions each play a part. In reality, most learning takes place through the daily interaction between an apprentice and his/her co-workers. Surveys have shown that the apprentices are least satisfied with the on-the-job portion of their training--particularly the ability of skilled level workers and supervisors to pass on their knowledge of the sector.   You have already learned to use the tools of your chosen sector. You will be introduced to a new set of basic tools--the tools of a skilled worker trainer. You will explore the skills are necessary to be an effective trainer, discover how to deliver hands-on training, and examine the process for giving useful feedback.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Value your role as a Registered Apprentice trainer
    Assessment Strategies
    by giving feedback in a role-playing situation
    you describe the role of the trainer in Registered Apprenticeship
    you explore benefits of training a Registered Apprentice
    you examine why the trainer is a key player in the Registered Apprenticeship process
    you identify the skills you bring to the training process

  2. Serve as a skilled worker trainer
    Assessment Strategies
    by recording the appropriate information in your Training Toolkit
    you describe employer expectations
    you describe co-worker expectations
    you describe what the apprentice can expect from the employer
    you suggest ways to promote safety training
    you create a checklist of things to address with an apprentice during the first week
    you prepare a list of terms that are necessary for safety and training in your trade
    you determine the strengths you bring to the training relationship

  3. Cultivate a positive work environment
    Assessment Strategies
    by responding to case study scenarios
    you welcome apprentices without judgment
    you orient apprentice to the workplace
    you maintain an environment of inclusivity
    you maintain a safe work environment
    you describe the issue present
    you present effective strategies for stopping inappropriate actions
    your work within the organizational reporting structure
    you provide support for the apprentice
    you respond calmly
    you do not lay blame
    you encourage personal accountability
    you provide bias-free feedback to apprentice
    you model safe, positive behaviors

  4. Provide hands-on skills training
    Assessment Strategies
    by completing the Training Plan for Apprentices
    you motivate the apprentice by explaining why the skill is important
    you instruct on the use and care of tools, equipment, and resources
    you point out safety and security considerations
    you explain how to perform the task
    you demonstrate each step of the task
    you watch the apprentice try to perform the task
    you provide positive feedback and suggestions for improvement

  5. Provide feedback on apprentice performance
    Assessment Strategies
    by giving feedback in a role-playing situation
    you describe what the apprentice did
    you express your reaction to the situation
    you specify the correct behavior desired
    you describe what will happen (positive or negative) if the behavior does/does not improve
    you attend to verbal and non verbal cues/communication from the apprentice
    you engage the apprentice in the feedback

This Outline is under development.