31512327ST: Introduction
Course Information
Provides the foundational knowledge of infection control and asepsis. Legal and ethical issues encountered in the healthcare environment are explored. Simulated laboratory practice enables the learner to develop beginning technical skills.
Total Credits
Course Competencies
Explore the surgical technologist scope of practiceAssessment Strategiesin an oral, written or graphic responseby answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency (Your instructor may require several written exams as part of this course. You will be notified in advance.)Criteriaresponse identifies differing levels of surgical technologist trainingresponse specifies legal and ethical boundaries of the surg tech positionresponse describes the relationship between a surg tech and other members of the healthcare teamresponse illustrates hospital organization and management as it relates to the surg tech
Outline the physical environment of the surgical suite within the healthcare facilityAssessment Strategiesby creating a graphic or drawing of the surgical suiteby answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency (Your instructor may require several written exams as part of this course. You will be notified in advance.)Criteriaillustration includes the rooms in the suiteillustration includes the layout of the suite with items in the appropriate placeillustration includes the equipment and furniture in the suite (mayo stand, back table)illustration notes accessory equipment availableillustration includes piped in systems and electrical outletsillustration includes lights and air ventilation systemsillustration notes location of linen and suppliesillustration includes a rationale for the design of the suiteillustration notes traffic patterns
Incorporate methods of infection control in the surgical environmentAssessment Strategiesby demonstrating your skill in a lab or by evaluating scenariosby answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency (Your instructor may require several written exams as part of this course. You will be notified in advance.)Criteriayou apply standard precautionsyou evaluate potential causes and methods of transmitting infection (e.g., contact, airborne, common vehicle, vector-borne).\you confine, contain or reduce the dangeryou prevent cross contamination
Adhere to the principles of sterile techniqueAssessment Strategiesby applying the principles and skills in a role-playby answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency (Your instructor may require several written exams as part of this course. You will be notified in advance.)Criteriayou open up sterile packagesyou maintain the sterile fieldyou identify a break in the sterile fieldyou initiate corrective action for breaks in sterile technique
Prepare the operating roomAssessment Strategiesby performing the task in the labby answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency (Your instructor may require several written exams as part of this course. You will be notified in advance.)Criteriayou are appropriately attired to enter the ORyou use surgeon's preference card to pull needed suppliesyou select appropriate supplies to be openedyou arrange OR furniture, backtable, mayo standyou distribute instruments and supplies to appropriate place
Examine legal, ethical, and moral issues related to surgical technologyAssessment Strategiesin written or oral responses to scenarios describing situations in which you need to make legal and ethical choicesby answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency (Your instructor may require several written exams as part of this course. You will be notified in advance.)Criteriaresponses accurately identify the state and/or federal laws that apply to each scenarioresponses describe the legal/ethical/moral issues present in each scenarioresponses propose, for each scenario, a course of action that complies with state and federal lawsresponses explain logic of the proposed courses of actionresponses predict the ramifications of failure to comply with federal and/or state laws in the context of each scenarioresponse demonstrates the key elements to developing a surgical conscience
Evaluate common sources of documentation utilized in the ORAssessment Strategiesby evaluating documentation related to scenariosin a written or oral summaryby answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency (Your instructor may require several written exams as part of this course. You will be notified in advance.)Criteriasummary includes a description of the required documentationsummary includes the source of the documentationsummary includes the purpose for each type of documentationsummary includes the audience for each type of documentation
Perform initial steps for starting a surgical procedureAssessment Strategiesin a skill demonstration in the labby answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency [Your instructor may require several written exams as a part of this course. You will be notified in advance.]Criteriayou bring mayo stand, cords and tubes to the sterile fieldyou position sterile draped furniture for efficient useyou place light handlesyou place cords, tubes and other supplies in accordance with policyyou place mayo stand over patient appropriately for the procedureyou place appropriate sponges on patientyou hand appropriate instruments to surgeon as requested
Demonstrate the assembly, care, and utilization of surgical accessory equipmentAssessment Strategiesby using pictures, equipment, and/or descriptionsby answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency (Your instructor may require several written exams as part of this course. You will be notified in advance.)Criteriayou explain the function of accessory equipmentyou demonstrate the assembly of equipmentyou demonstrate the care of equipment
Demonstrate principles of safe patient transport/transferAssessment Strategiesby demonstrating transport/transfer principles in the lab with a peer or simulatorCriteriayou demonstrate self-transferyou demonstrate assisted four-person transferyou use transfer devices (slider board, roller board, backboard)you apply body mechanicsyou protect patient dignityyou maintain patient safety
Assist the surgical team members with basic patient positioningAssessment Strategiesby demonstrating positioning principles in the lab with a peer or simulatorby answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency (Your instructor may require several written exams as part of this course. You will be notified in advance.)Criteriayou demonstrate supine positioning and modificationsyou demonstrate prone positioning and modificationsyou demonstrate lithotomy positioning and modificationsyou demonstrate lateral positioning and modificationsyou apply body mechanicsyou protect patient dignityyou maintain patient safetyyou apply positioning and protection devices
Analyze principles of hemostasisAssessment Strategiesin the lab through role playby answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency (Your instructor may require several written exams as part of this course. You will be notified in advance.)Criteriayou assemble necessary equipmentyou prepare ESU for useyou place grounding padyou identify mechanical methodsyou identify chemical methodsyou identify thermal methodsyou discuss mechanisms of hemostasisyou identify common disorders of hemostasis
Compare and contrast typical wound closure materialsAssessment Strategiesin the lab through role play or by evaluating scenariosby answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency (Your instructor may require several written exams as part of this course. You will be notified in advance.)Criteriayou identify factors that influence the closure of each wound layeryou identify types of suture materialsyou identify packaging of sutureyou demonstrate preparation of suture materialsyou load needle holdersyou demonstrate handling of suture materialsyou select suture gauge for each tissue layeryou select the needle for each tissue layeryou select absorbable/nonabsorbable, braided/monofilamentyou identify sizes and coatings of each type of suture materialsyou identify typical suturing techniques
Classify pharmacological agents according to use in the surgical environmentAssessment Strategiesby written responseby answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency (Your instructor may require several written exams as part of this course. You will be notified in advance.)in the lab through role playCriteriaresponse identifies classifications of medicationsresponse identifies the chemical, generic and brand names for each medicationresponse identifies drug classificationsresponse describes the route of administrationresponse lists medication identificationresponse identifies medical abbreviationsresponse describes medication actions on the human body - pharmacodynamicsyou draw from a vialyou draw from an ampuleyou label medication and solutionsyou calculate medication conversions and doses
Identify methods, techniques, and complications of anesthetic administrationAssessment Strategiesby answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency (Your instructor may require several written exams as part of this course. You will be notified in advance.)by written response to worksheetCriteriaresponse identifies routes of administrationresponse identifies methods and techniques of anesthesia administrationresponse describes general anesthesiaresponse identifies anesthesia equipment and suppliesresponse specifies anesthetic agentsresponse identifies topical, regional and local agentsresponse lists blood replacements and substitutesresponse describes risks and complications associated with general anesthesiaresponse identifies crystalloid IV agentsresponse identifies the surgical team roles during administration
Demonstrate the duties of the assistant circulatorAssessment Strategiesin a skill demonstrationCriteriayou assist with positioning of OR furniture and equipmentyou assist with opening sterile supplies and instrumentsyou tie gownsyou perform countsyou connect equipmentyou assist transferring patient from stretcher to OR tableyou monitor OR trafficyou anticipate needs of sterile teamyou perform countsyou provide specimen careyou perform intraoperative documentation, e.g. pathology/specimen form; lab form(s)you demonstrate dressings and drainsyou assist with transferring patient from OR table to stretcher (postoperative)you demonstrate postoperative documentyou assist with break down of OR