208152272D Studio Independent Study
Course Information
Explores drawing or painting projects with an emphasis on content development. Students will develop a project with a goal of creating a series of related works that build a coherent portfolio. Students select subjects, techniques, and concepts that are appropriate to their proposed project. Weekly assessment and several group critiques will help guide students to an advanced level portfolio. The size and number of works will be determined by the instructor’s assessment of the proposal.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Develop an individual visual vocabulary (painting syle)
    Assessment Strategies
    Skill Demonstration (Submit a Painting)
    Critique painting in relation to the proposal criteria

  2. Investigate unified themes
    Assessment Strategies
    Skill Demonstration (Submit a Painting)
    Critique painting in relation to the proposal criteria

  3. Investigate unified painting techniques
    Assessment Strategies
    Skill Demonstration (Submit a Painting)
    Critique painting in relation to the proposal criteria

  4. Develop and improve critical thinking skills
    Assessment Strategies
    Generate constructive critiques of your own work and the work of your classmates
    Speak to aspects that are working well and things that can be improved

  5. Develop disciplined work habits
    Assessment Strategies
    Skill Demonstration

  6. Develop safe lab practices
    Assessment Strategies
    Skill Demonstration
    Demonstrate clean and safe operations within the lab

  7. Analyze contemporary artists relevant to proposed
    Assessment Strategies
    Presentation and/or Written Product

  8. Build a portfolio of quality artwork
    Assessment Strategies
    Portfolio, Presentation
    Artwork demonstrates quality work with a consistent theme and technique
    Body of work will be assessed reflects a unique vision that could be presented for a solo exhibition

This Outline is under development.