20810230Introduction to Theatre
Course Information
This is a beginning study of theatre especially as it relates to modern audiences. Students will examine and experience theatre in its various forms. A survey of theatre history from a global perspective provides the foundation for a greater understanding and perspective of the art. This course is an opportunity to explore playwriting, acting, directing and design leading to critical analysis of production. Students are expected to analyze scripts and attend performances turning in written reviews. The sequence of this course begins with audience perspective layered with historical and performance perspectives.
Total Credits
Course Competencies
Analyze historical trends, cultural perspectives and classifications of theatreAssessment Strategiesby completing a critique from selected scripts by specified dateCriteriagroup member stays on taskgroup member performs the individual duties assigned by the groupgroup member shares ideas and informationgroup member listens to other group membersgroup member shows respect for of other's ideas and opinions of othersgroup member helps the group reach consensusgroup explains stage movement (blocking)group demonstrates stage movement (blocking)group explains stage design and scenerygroup demonstrates stage design and scenerygroup explains the use of stage propertygroup demonstrates the use of stage propertygroup explains the use of costumesgroup demonstrates costumes
Examine audience/performance dynamic to include the capacity to critically analyze the performance.Assessment Strategiesby completing a critique from selected scripts by specified dateCriteriacritique includes a description of the inciting incident in a selected scriptcritique includes a justification for selecting the inciting incidentcritique includes a description of the episodes of action in a selected scriptcritique includes a justification for selecting the episodes of actioncritique includes a description of the crisis in a selected scriptcritique includes a justification for selecting the crisiscritique includes a description of the climax in a selected scriptcritique includes a justification for selecting the climaxcritique includes a description of the denouement in a selected scriptcritique includes a justification for selecting the denouement
Examine script construction and performanceAssessment Strategiesby completing a critique from selected scripts by specified dateCriteriayou examine the motivations of a characteryou implement use of a character-consistent propyou command space as the characteryou observe actual people who are similar to the characteryou take on the characteristics of a charactercritique includes a personal description of how three characters are developed physically in a selected scriptcritique includes a personal description of how three characters are developed socially in a selected scriptcritique includes a personal description of how three characters are developed psychologically in a selected scriptcritique includes a personal description of how three characters are developed morally in a selected script
Synthesize the relationship between theatrical elements and production concept.Assessment Strategiesby completing a minimum of two critiques from selected plays by specified dateCriteriacritique includes the identification of the correct classification from the selected scripts as tragedy, comedy, melodrama, farce, or tragicomedycritique includes an explanation of the classification choice from the selected scriptscritique includes the identification of specific movements as realism, symbolism, expressionism, existentialism, or surrealism from the selected scriptscritique includes a description of the inciting incident in a selected scriptcritique includes an explanation of the specific movement choice from the selected scriptscritique includes a justification for selecting the inciting incidentcritique includes a description of the episodes of action in a selected scriptcritique includes a justification for selecting the episodes of actioncritique includes a description of the crisis in a selected scriptcritique includes a justification for selecting the crisiscritique includes a description of the climax in a selected scriptcritique includes a justification for selecting the climaxcritique includes a description of the denouement in a selected scriptcritique includes a justification for selecting the denouementcritique includes a personal description of how three characters are developed physically in a selected scriptcritique includes a personal description of how three characters are developed socially in a selected scriptcritique includes a personal description of how three characters are developed psychologically in a selected scriptcritique includes a personal description of how three characters are developed morally in a selected scriptcritique includes an analysis of the effectiveness of lightingcritique includes an analysis of the effectiveness of soundcritique includes an analysis of the authenticity of the costumescritique includes an analysis of the credibility of the makeupcritique includes an analysis of the stage design