20809239Child Human Development
Course Information
This course covers human development from conception through childhood. Study is approached from the perspective of cognitive-emotional, biological, and psychosocial domains. Both theory and application are covered.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Explain the scientific method in developmental research
    Assessment Strategies
    on an exam
    by designing a study based on handout
    in class discussion
    by reading an article
    you contrast research variables
    you explain the five steps in the scientific method
    developmental research study is completed based on presentation criteria

  2. Integrate the biological and environmental foundations of development
    Assessment Strategies
    on an exam
    by designing a study based on handout
    in class discussion
    in a reading circle
    you contrast nature and nurture
    you contrast genotype and phenotype
    you explain how individual sex is determined
    you summarize basic patterns of genetic inheritance
    you contrast reproductive technologies and their controversies
    you explain family functioning from the ecological perspective
    you explain the importance of socioeconomic status on family development
    you explain how cultural values, political, and economic conditions influence children's well-being
    you examine methods used to research how much heredity or environment contribute to development

  3. Explain prenatal development
    Assessment Strategies
    on an exam
    by designing a study based on handout
    in class discussion
    in a reading circle
    you summarize current public opinion on having children
    you analyze the phases of prenatal development
    you explain the major milestones of each phase of prenatal development
    you examine teratogens and factors related to their impact
    you summarize maternal factors other than teratogens that affect the developing fetus or embryo

  4. Explain birth and the newborn baby
    Assessment Strategies
    on an exam
    by designing a study based on handout
    in class discussion
    in a reading circle
    you examine the events leading up to childbirth and the stages of labor
    you examine the baby's adaptation to labor and delivery
    you examine the physical appearance of the newborn
    you explain the purpose and main features of the Apgar Scale
    you contrast the advantages of giving birth in a hospital, birthing center, and home
    you explain the circumstances that justify intervention in the birth process
    you examine the risk to infant in a traumatic birth
    you explain the long term consequences of birth traumas
    you examine parental feeling regarding newborn
    you explore the newborn's sensory system responses
    you explore the newborn's states of arousal
    you examine typical changes in the family after the birth of a baby

  5. Explain physical development in infancy and toddlerhood
    Assessment Strategies
    on an exam
    by designing a study based on handout
    in class discussion
    in a reading circle
    you examine changes in body size, proportions, and muscle fat during the first two years
    you explain the skeletal growth during the first two years
    you examine brain development in the first two years at the level of individual brain cells
    you examine brain development in the first two years at the level of the cerebral cortex
    you examine evidence that heredity contributes to body size and rate of development
    you explain the nutritional needs of infants and toddlers
    you explain the consequences of nutritional deficiencies
    you explores nonorganic failure to thrive
    you explain changes in wakefulness and sleep in the first two years as it relates to brain development
    you examine the organization and sequence of motor development during the first two years
    you examine dynamic systems theory of motor development
    you summarize the development of hearing in the first two years
    you summarize the development of vision in the first two years

  6. Explain cognitive development in infancy and toddlerhood
    Assessment Strategies
    on an exam
    by designing a study based on handout
    in class discussion
    in a reading circle
    you contrast the major cognitive achievements of Piaget's sensorimotor stages
    you compare recent research on sensorimotor development with Piaget's sensorimotor stage
    you examine the structure and organization of the information processing model
    you explain Vygotsky's Social-Cultural Theory
    you examine the main components of Social-Cultural Theory and locates the developmental process
    you explain environmental influences on early mental development
    you explain three major theories of language development
    you examine how infants prepare to acquire language
    you examine how adults support emerging language skills
    you explain the sequence of language development
    you explain individual and cultural differences in language development

  7. Explain emotional and social development in infancy and toddlerhood
    Assessment Strategies
    on an exam
    by designing a study based on handout
    in class discussion
    in a reading circle
    you compare Erikson's and Mahler's theories of infant-toddler personality
    you examine the development of emotions and the adaptive function of each
    you summarize changes in infant ability to understand and respond to emotions of others
    you explain self-conscious emotions
    you explore temperament
    you examine temperamental styles
    you explain role of heredity and environment in the development of temperament
    you explain "goodness-of-fit" model
    you compare drive reduction, psychoanalytic, and ethological theories of attachment
    you examine attachment patterns and cultural variations
    you explain the Strange Situation
    you compare mother's and father's attachment relationships

  8. Explain physical development in early childhood
    Assessment Strategies
    on an exam
    by designing a study based on handout
    in class discussion
    in a reading circle
    you summarize changes in body size, proportions, and/or skeletal maturity
    you summarize asynchronies in physical growth
    you summarize brain development
    you explain how genes influence growth
    you summarize the impact of emotional well-being on childhood growth
    you summarize the impact of restful sleep on childhood growth
    you summarize the impact of nutrition on childhood growth
    you summarize the impact of infectious disease on childhood growth
    you summarize the interrelated factors of individual, family, community, and society's relation to child injuries
    you explain the major milestones of gross motor development
    you explain the major milestones of fine motor development
    you summarize perceptual development

  9. Explain cognitive development in early childhood
    Assessment Strategies
    on an exam
    by designing a study based on handout
    in class discussion
    in a reading circle
    you summarize the advances in mental representation during the preschool years
    you explain the limitations of preoperational thought from Piaget's point of view
    you summarize recent research on preoperational thought
    you compare three educational principles derived from Piaget's theory
    you contrast Piaget's and Vygotsky's view on the development of private speech
    you explain the impact of Vygotsky's theory on current educational practices
    you summarize the development of attention and memory during early childhood
    you explain preschooler's awareness of an inner mental life
    you summarize the development of preschooler's literacy and mathematical knowledge
    you summarize the extant knowledge of early childhood intelligence tests
    you explain the impact of home, preschool, daycare, educational television on mental development
    you summarize the development of vocabulary, grammar, and conversational skills

  10. Explain emotional and social development in early childhood
    Assessment Strategies
    on an exam
    by designing a study based on handout
    in class discussion
    in a reading circle
    you explain Erikson's stage of initiative versus guilt
    you summarize preschooler's self-concept
    you explain changes in understanding of emotion during early childhood
    you explain the development of emotional self-regulation
    you explain the development of self-conscious emotions
    you explain the development of empathy
    you summarize the contributions of cognition, language, self-concept, temperament and social experiences to emotional self-regulation
    you summarize the development of peer sociability in early childhood
    you explain cultural variations in development of peer sociability in early childhood
    you explain the quality of preschooler's friendships
    you explain the role of parents and siblings on preschooler's early peer interactions
    you compare psychoanalytic, behavioral, social learning, and cognitive-developmental theories approaches to moral development
    you critique the child-rearing practices that support moral development
    you explain the development of aggression in preschool children
    you summarize the influence of television on childhood aggression
    you summarize the interaction of family and television on childhood aggression
    you summarize preschooler's gender-stereotyped beliefs and behaviors
    you explain genetic and environmental influences on gender typing
    you evaluate the accuracy of the major theories of gender-role identity
    you summarize the impact of child-rearing styles on development
    you summarize the cultural variations of child-rearing styles
    you summarize child maltreatment (origins, treatment, consequences, strategies)

  11. Explain physical development in middle childhood
    Assessment Strategies
    on an exam
    by designing a study based on handout
    in class discussion
    in a reading circle
    you summarize changes in body size, proportions, and/or skeletal maturity
    you summarize secular trends in physical growth
    you summarize brain development and the influence of neurotransmitters and hormones
    you explain common health problems (causes, consequences, solutions)
    you summarize findings on school-age children's concepts of health and illness
    you summarize major milestones of gross motor development
    you summarize major milestones of fine motor development
    you summarize individual and group differences in motor performance
    you evaluate the qualities of children's play and their adaptive value
    you explain the importance of physical education during school years

  12. Explain cognitive development in middle childhood
    Assessment Strategies
    on an exam
    by designing a study based on handout
    in class discussion
    in a reading circle
    you explain the major characteristics of concrete operational thought
    you summarize recent research on concrete operational thought
    you explain the limitations of concrete operational thought from Piaget's point of view
    you explain two basic changes in information processing
    you explain changes in attention
    you summarize the development of memory strategies in middle childhood
    you explain the role of knowledge and culture in memory performance
    you explain the school-age child's theory of the mind
    you explain the school-aged child's capacity to engage in cognitive self-regulation
    you summarize how research on information processing can improve academic learning
    you evaluate current controversies in teaching reading and mathematics to elementary school children
    you contrast commonly used intelligence tests in middle childhood
    you summarize major approaches to defining intelligence
    you document evidence indicating that both heredity and environment contribute to IQ
    you explain cultural influences on mental test performance of ethnic minority children
    you summarize efforts to reduce cultural bias in intelligence testing
    you summarize changes in metalinguistic awareness (vocabulary, grammar and pragmatics) during middle childhood
    you evaluate the advantages of bilingualism
    you explain the impact of class size and major educational philosophies on children's motivation and academic achievement
    you evaluate the role of teacher-pupil interactions and grouping practices in academic achievement
    you evaluate the learning advantages of and concerns about computers
    you summarize the characteristics of mildly mentally retarded and learning disabled children
    you explain the conditions under which placement in regular classrooms is successful for mildly mentally retarded children
    you summarize the characteristics of gifted children
    you evaluate current efforts to meet the needs of gifted children
    you compare the American cultural climate for academic achievement with that of Asian nations
    you compare three educational principles derived from Piaget's theory
    you contrast Piaget's and Vygotsky's view on the development of private speech
    you explain the impact of Vygotsky's theory on current educational practices
    you summarize the development of attention and memory during early childhood
    you explain preschooler's awareness of an inner mental life
    you summarize the development of preschooler's literacy and mathematical knowledge
    you summarize the extant knowledge of early childhood intelligence tests
    you explain the impact of home, preschool, daycare, educational television on mental development

  13. Explain emotional and social development in middle childhood
    Assessment Strategies
    on an exam
    by designing a study based on handout
    in class discussion
    in a reading circle
    you summarize school-age children's self-concept
    you summarize school-age children's self-esteem
    you summarize school-age children's achievement related attributes
    you summarize factors that affect school-age children's self-evaluation
    you summarize changes in school-age children's self-conscious emotions
    you summarize changes in school-age children's understanding of emotional states
    you summarize changes in school-age children's emotional self-regulation
    you summarize the development of perspective taking and its relationship to social behavior
    you summarize changes in moral understanding in middle childhood
    you explain cultural difference in moral understanding in middle childhood
    you summarize major categories of peer acceptance and the relationship of each to social behavior
    you explain ways to help reject children
    you summarize changes in gender-stereotyped beliefs and gender-role identity during childhood
    you analyze sex differences in gender stereotypes and gender-role identity, noting cultural differences
    you summarize new child-rearing issues in parent-child communication during middle childhood
    you evaluate changes in sibling relationships during middle childhood (birth order, only children)
    you summarize children's adjustment to divorce
    you summarize children's adjustment to blended families
    you explain the influence of parent and child characteristics and social supports during marital transitions
    you summarize gay and lesbian families and their implications on development of children
    you evaluate the impact of maternal employment and dual-earner families on school-age children's development
    you summarize common fears and anxieties in middle childhood
    you summarize factors related to child sexual abuse (origin, consequences for development)
    you summarize factors that foster resilience in middle-childhood