20809225Social Psychology
Course Information
This course explores the scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another. This course will cover the classic and contemporary theories and research of social psychology, including social beliefs, attitudes and behaviors, social cognition, cultural influences, conformity, persuasion, group influence, prejudice and discrimination, and aggression.
Total Credits
Course Competencies
Explore social psychological theories and researchAssessment Strategiesby completing written exam questions with 70% accuracyby incorporating theories and research into class discussions or postsby incorporating theories and research into papers and projectsCriteriarecognize who developed the theoriesrecognize who conducted the researchyou apply the theories and research to an understanding of your own experiencesyou apply the theories and research to an understanding of the world around you
Examine biophysical and historical factors which influence human interactionsAssessment Strategiesby completing written exam questions with 70% accuracyby incorporating biopsychosocial and historical factors into class discussions or postsby incorporating biopsychosocial and historical factors into papers and projectsCriteriarecognize biopsychosocial and historical influences on human interactionsapply biopsychosocial and historical analysis to your own experiencesapply biopsychosocial and historical analysis to the world around you
Employ appropriate strategies when reading the assigned textbookAssessment Strategiesby completing reading projects as assigned by instructorby completing exam questions with 70% accuracyCriteriarecognize topics on social psychology and the corresponding authorsformulate questions and opinions while readingdifferentiate between primary and secondary source materialssynthesize opinions, questions, and responses to the text to develop your own interpretations
Utilize technology to access social psychological informationAssessment StrategiesSkill demonstrationCriteriadiscriminate between valid and invalid social psychology scholarly sourcesuse researched information as the basis for class projectsuse researched information as the basis for analytic papers on social psychology topicsuse the internet to locate social psychology sourcesuse the library to access various databases containing social psychology sources
Apply social psychological information to your experiencesAssessment StrategiesExam, Written productCriteriaapply the theories and research to an understanding of your own experiencesapply the theories and research to an understanding of the world around youapply the theories and research to an understanding of current eventsincorporate theories and research into papers, projects, and/or discussions about your life
Write analytic papers based on social psychological concepts, theories, and researchAssessment StrategiesWritten product (70% or higher on the paper)Criteriaconnect information from various sources about social psychologyclearly and concisely present your logic and argumentsaccurately apply theories and research to understanding social psychological conceptsoriginate creative and novel ways of viewing social psychological conceptslocate relevant researchoutline cogent argumentsinformation is accurately analyzed and synthesized
Contribute meaningful, thoughtful, and relevant comments and questionsAssessment StrategiesGroup Project, Presentation of SummaryCriteriaidentify issues related to social psychologyconnect issues about social psychology to current eventssolve problems using social psychologyengage your classmates in small group discussionspresentation is organized and reflects main points of the group discussionincorporate social psychological concepts, theories, and research
Demonstrate knowledge of Social Psychology (gained through the course readings, discussions, and assignments) on examinationsAssessment StrategiesExam preparation (ask questions of classmates and instructor, read chapters, complete assignments, review class and textbook notes)In-class quizzes after each chapter’s lecture (at least 70% accuracy)Written exam questions with 70% accuracy or higher consistently across the exams in the courseCriteriaDescribe the key concepts in Social PsychologyIllustrate the key concepts in Social PsychologyCompare the key concepts in Social PsychologyApply the key concepts in Social PsychologyExpand on the theory and research in Social Psychology