20806207Anatomy and Physiology 1
Course Information
Features lectures and laboratory dealing with the human body as an integrated structural and functional unit, including basic anatomical and directional terminology, fundamental concepts and principles of cell biology, histology, integumentary, skeletal, muscular, endocrine, and nervous systems, and the special senses. It includes dissection of various fresh and preserved materials as well as examination of a human cadaver. This course is the first semester of a two-semester sequence. College-level chemistry is recommended. Introductory college level biology course recommended.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Explain anatomical position, body planes and sections, and body cavities and regions.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Describe a person in anatomical position.
    Describe how to use the terms right and left in anatomical reference.
    Identify the various planes in which a body might be dissected.
    Describe the appearance of a body presented along various planes.
    Describe the location of the body cavities and identify the major organs found in each cavity.
    Identify cells that are in each stage, referring to a generalized cell cycle, including interphase and the stages of mitosis

  2. Use directional terms and basic terminology.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    List and define the major directional terms used in anatomy.
    Describe the location of body structures, using appropriate directional terminology.
    Define the terms anatomy and physiology.
    Give specific examples to show the interrelationship between anatomy and physiology.
    Describe the location of structures of the body using basic regional and systemic terminology

  3. Explain levels of organization and the survey of body systems.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Describe, in order from simplest to most complex, the major levels of organization in the human organism.
    Give an example of each level of organization.
    List the organ systems of the human body and their major components.
    Describe the major functions of each organ system.

  4. Explain types of homeostatic mechanisms.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Define homeostasis.
    List the components of a feedback loop and explain the function of each.
    Compare and contrast positive and negative feedback in terms of the relationship between stimulus and response.
    Explain why negative feedback is the most commonly used mechanism to maintain homeostasis in the body

  5. Provide examples of homeostatic mechanisms.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Provide an example of a negative feedback loop that utilizes the nervous system to relay information. Describe the specific organs, structures, cells or molecules (receptors, neurons, CNS structures, effectors, neurotransmitters) included in the feedback loop.
    Provide an example of a negative feedback loop that utilizes the endocrine system to relay information.  Describe the specific cells or molecules (production cells, hormones, target cells) included in the feedback loop.
    Provide an example of a positive feedback loop in the body. Describe the specific structures (organs, cells or molecules) included in the feedback loop.

  6. Explain the application of homeostatic mechanisms.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Provide specific examples to demonstrate how organ systems respond to maintain homeostasis
    Explain how different organ systems relate to one another to maintain homeostasis

  7. Make predictions related to homeostatic imbalance, including disease states and disorders.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Predict factors or situations affecting various organ systems that could disrupt homeostasis.
    Predict the types of problems that would occur in the body if various organ systems could not maintain homeostasis and allowed regulated variables (body conditions) to move away from normal.

  8. Explain atoms and molecules.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Describe the charge, mass, and relative location of electrons, protons and neutrons, with respect to the structure of an atom.
    Relate the number of electrons in an electron shell to an atom’s chemical stability and its ability to form chemical bonds, with respect to the structure of an atom.
    Explain how ions and isotopes are produced by changing the relative number of specific subatomic particles, with respect to the structure of an atom.
    Distinguish among the terms atomic number, mass number and atomic weight, with respect to the structure of an atom.
    Compare and contrast the terms ions, electrolytes, free radicals, isotopes and radioisotopes.
    Compare and contrast the terms atoms, molecules, elements, and compounds.

  9. Explain chemical bonding.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    List each type of bond in order by relative strength, with respect to non-polar covalent, polar covalent, ionic, and hydrogen bonds.
    Explain the mechanism of each type of bond, with respect to non-polar covalent, polar covalent, ionic, and hydrogen bonds.
    Provide biologically significant examples of each, with respect to non-polar covalent, polar covalent, ionic, and hydrogen bonds.

  10. Explain inorganic compounds and solutions.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Discuss the physiologically important properties of water.
    Distinguish among the terms solution, solute, solvent, colloid suspension, and emulsion.
    Define the term salt and give examples of physiological significance.
    Define the terms pH, acid, base, and buffer and give examples of physiological significance.
    State acidic, neutral, and alkaline pH values.

  11. Explain organic compounds.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Define the term organic molecule
    Explain the relationship between monomers and polymers.
    Define and give examples of dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis reactions.
    Identify the monomers and polymers, with respect to carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids.
    Compare and contrast general molecular structure, with respect to carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids.
    Provide specific examples, with respect to carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids.
    Identify dietary sources, with respect to carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids.
    Discuss physiological and structural roles in the human body, with respect to carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids.
    Describe the four levels of protein structure and discuss the importance of protein shape for protein function. Demonstrate factors that affect enzyme activity, including denaturation, and interpret graphs showing the effects of various factors on the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.

  12. Explain energy transfer using ATP.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Describe the generalized reversible reaction for release of energy from ATP and explain the role of ATP in the cell

  13. Explain intracellular organization of nucleus and cytoplasm.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Identify the three main parts of a cell, and list the general functions of each.
    Explain how cytoplasm and cytosol are different.

  14. Explain membrane structure and function.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Describe how lipids are distributed in a cell membrane, and explain their functions.
    Describe how carbohydrates are distributed in a cell membrane, and explain their functions.
    Describe how proteins are distributed in a cell membrane, and explain their functions.

  15. Explain mechanisms for movement of materials across cell membranes.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    State the type of material moving in each process, with respect to the following membrane transport processes – simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis, active transport, exocytosis, endocytosis, phagocytosis, pinocytosis, and filtration.
    Describe the mechanism by which movement of material occurs in each process, with respect to the following membrane transport processes – simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis, active transport, exocytosis, endocytosis, phagocytosis, pinocytosis, and filtration.
    Discuss the energy requirements and, if applicable, the sources of energy for each process, with respect to the following membrane transport processes – simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis, active transport, exocytosis, endocytosis, phagocytosis, pinocytosis, and filtration.
    Give examples of each process in the human body, with respect to the following membrane transport processes – simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis, active transport, exocytosis, endocytosis, phagocytosis, pinocytosis, and filtration.
    Describe the effects of hypertonic, isotonic, and hypotonic conditions on cells.
    Demonstrate various cell transport processes and, given appropriate information, predict the outcomes of these demonstrations.

  16. Explain organelles.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Define the term organelle.
    Identify the organelle, for each different type of organelle associated with human cells.
    Describe the structure of the organelle, for each different type of organelle associated with human cells.
    Describe the function of the organelle, for each different type of organelle associated with human cells.

  17. Explain protein synthesis and cellular respiration.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Define the terms genetic code, transcription and translation.
    Explain how and why RNA is synthesized.
    Explain the roles of tRNA, mRNA, and rRNA in protein synthesis.
    Define the term cellular respiration.
    Compare and contrast energy input, efficiency of energy production, oxygen use, by-products and cellular location, with respect to glycolysis, the Krebs (citric acid or TCA) cycle, and the electron transport chain:

  18. Explain somatic cell division.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor

  19. Explain reproductive cell division.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Describe the events that take place in each stage of meiosis I and meiosis II
    Identify cells that are in each stage of meiosis I and meiosis II.
    Compare and contrast the general features of meiosis I and meiosis II.
    Compare and contrast the processes of mitosis and meiosis.
    Give examples of cell types in the body that divide by meiosis and examples of circumstances in the body that require meiotic cell division.

  20. Provide an overview of histology and tissue types.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Define the term histology.
    List the four major tissue types.
    Contrast the general features of the four major tissue types.

  21. Explain microscopic anatomy, location, and functional roles of epithelial tissue.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Classify the different types of epithelial tissues based on distinguishing structural characteristics.
    Describe locations in the body where each type of epithelial tissue can be found.
    Describe the functions of each type of epithelial tissue in the human body and correlate function with structure for each tissue type.
    Identify the different types of epithelial tissue using proper microscope technique.

  22. Explain microscopic anatomy, location, and functional roles of connective tissue.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Classify the different types of connective tissues based on distinguishing structural characteristics
    Describe locations in the body where each type of connective tissue can be found.
    Describe functions of each type of connective tissue in the human body and correlate function with structure for each tissue type.
    Compare and contrast the roles of individual cell types and fiber types within connective tissue.
    Identify the different types of connective tissue using proper microscope technique.

  23. Explain microscopic anatomy, location, and functional roles of muscular tissue.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Classify the different types of muscle tissues based on distinguishing structural characteristics and location in the body.
    Describe functions of each type of muscle tissue in the human body and correlate function with structure for each tissue type.
    Identify the different types of muscle tissue using proper microscope technique.

  24. Explain microscopic anatomy, location, and functional roles of nervous tissue.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Describe locations in the body where nervous tissue can be found.
    Describe the structure and function of neurons and neuroglial cells in nervous tissue and correlate function with structure for the different types of neuroglial cells.
    Identify neurons and neuroglial cells using proper microscope technique

  25. Explain membranes (mucous, serous, cutaneous and synovial) and glands (exocrine vs. endocrine).
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Describe the structure and function of mucous, serous, cutaneous and synovial membranes.
    Describe locations in the body where each type of membrane can be found.
    Distinguish between exocrine and endocrine glands, structurally and functionally.
    Identify example locations in the body of exocrine and endocrine glands.
    Classify the different kinds of exocrine glands based on structure and function

  26. Explain tissue injury and repair.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Describe how injuries affect epithelial, connective, muscular, and nervous tissues.
    Describe the stages in tissue repair following an injury.

  27. Explain general functions of the skin and the subcutaneous layer.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Describe the general functions of the skin
    Describe the general functions of the subcutaneous layer (also known as the hypodermis or superficial fascia).

  28. Explain gross and microscopic anatomy of skin.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Identify and describe the tissue type making up the epidermis.
    Identify and describe the layers of the epidermis, indicating which are found in thin skin and which are found in thick skin.
    Correlate the structure of thick and thin skin with the locations in the body where each are found.
    Describe the processes of growth and keratinization of the epidermis.
    Identify and describe the dermis and its layers, including the tissue types making up each dermal layer.
    Identify and describe the subcutaneous tissue, including the tissue types making up subcutaneous tissue.
    Describe the three pigments most responsible for producing the various skin colors.
    Name the layers of the skin that contain each of these pigments.

  29. Explain roles of specific tissue layers of skin and the subcutaneous layer.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Explain how each of the five layers, as well as each of the following cell types and substances, contributes to the functions of the epidermis:  stem cells of stratum basale, keratinocytes, melanocytes, Langerhans cells, Merkel cells and discs, keratin, and extracellular lipids.
    Explain why the histology of the epidermis is  well suited for its functions.
    Describe the overall functions of the dermis.
    Describe the specific function of each dermal layer and relate that function to the skin’s overall functions.
    Describe the functions of the subcutaneous layer.
    Describe the thermoregulatory role played by adipose tissue in the subcutaneous layer.

  30. Explain anatomy and functional roles of accessory structures.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Identify each structure, with respect to the following - sweat glands (eccrine and apocrine), sebaceous glands, nails, hair (follicle and arrector pili muscle), and sensory receptors.
    Describe the location of each structure in the body, with respect to the following - sweat glands (eccrine and apocrine), sebaceous glands, nails, hair (follicle and arrector pili muscle), and sensory receptors.
    Describe the anatomy of each structure, with respect to the following - sweat glands (eccrine and apocrine), sebaceous glands, nails, hair (follicle and arrector pili muscle), and sensory receptors.
    Describe the function of each structure, with respect to the following - sweat glands (eccrine and apocrine), sebaceous glands, nails, hair (follicle and arrector pili muscle), and sensory receptors.
    Describe the growth cycles of hair follicles and the growth of hairs.
    Explain the physiological importance of the presence or absence of sebaceous glands, sweat glands, and hair in the skin of the palms and fingers.

  31. Explain homeostatic mechanisms, including predictions related to homeostatic imbalance (disease states and disorders).
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Provide specific examples to demonstrate how the integumentary system responds to maintain homeostasis in the body.
    Explain how the integumentary system relates to other body systems to maintain homeostasis.
    Predict factors or situations affecting the integumentary system that could disrupt homeostasis.
    Predict the types of problems that would occur in the body if the integumentary system could not maintain homeostasis.

  32. Explain general functions and organization of bone and the skeletal systems and structural components of microscopic anatomy.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Describe the major functions of the skeletal system.
    Define the two major divisions of the skeletal system (axial and appendicular) and list the general bone structures contained within each.
    List and describe the cellular and extracellular components of bone tissue.
    Identify the internal structural components of
    compact bone and spongy bone.
    Identify the types of cartilage tissues found in the skeletal system and explain the functions of each.
    Explain the roles of dense regular and dense irregular connective tissue in the skeletal system.

  33. Explain structural components of gross anatomy.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor

  34. Explain the physiology of embryonic bone formation (ossification, osteogenesis).
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Explain the roles osteogenic cells play in the formation of bone tissue.
    Compare and contrast intramembranous and endochondral (intracartilaginous) bone formation

  35. Explain physiology of bone growth, repair, and remodeling.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Compare and contrast the function of osteoblasts and osteoclasts during bone growth, repair, and remodeling
    Explain the hormonal regulation of skeleton growth.
    Explain the roles of calcitonin, parathyroid hormone and calcitriol in bone remodeling and blood calcium regulation.
    Contrast the remodeling processes of a child (birth to adolescence) and an adult (middle to old age).

  36. Explain the gross anatomy of bones.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Identify the types of bones based on shape and composition (compact vs. spongy), and relate the shapes of bones to their functions.
    Identify the individual bones and their location within the body.
    Identify bone markings (spines, processes, foramina, etc.) and describe their function (e.g., point of articulation, muscle tendon attachment, ligament attachment, passageway for nerves and vessels).
    Compare and contrast the skull of a fetus/infant with the skull of an adult
    Compare and contrast the adult male and female skeletons.

  37. Explain classification, structure, and function of joints (articulations).
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Describe the functional classification, based on degree of movement allowed - synarthrotic, amphiarthrotic, and diarthrotic – and provide examples of each type.
    Describe the anatomical classification, based on structure - fibrous, cartilaginous, and synovial – and provide examples of each type.
    Explain how the functional and anatomical classifications are related.
    Identify the structural components of the synovial joint, including accessory structures like bursae, tendon sheaths, and ligaments.
    Describe and demonstrate the generalized movements of synovial joints.
    Describe the anatomical features of that structural type.
    Describe locations in the body where each structural type can be found.
    Predict the kinds of movements that each structural type will allow.

  38. Explain general functions of muscle tissue, including identification, general location, and comparative characteristics of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle tissue.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Describe the major functions of muscle tissue.
    Identify skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle.
    Describe the structure, location in the body and function of skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle.
    Compare and contrast the characteristics of skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle

  39. Explain detailed gross and microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor

  40. Explain physiology of skeletal muscle contraction.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Explain the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction.
    Describe the sequence of events involved in the contraction cycle of skeletal muscle.
    Explain how an electrical signal from the nervous system arrives at the neuromuscular junction.
    Describe, in order, the events that occur at the neuromuscular junction that elicit an action potential in the muscle fiber.
    Explain what is meant by the expression "excitation-contraction coupling".

  41. Explain skeletal muscle metabolism.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    List the sources of energy stored in a typical muscle fiber.
    Describe the mechanisms that muscle fibers use to obtain ATP for muscle contraction.
    Explain the factors that contribute to muscle fatigue.
    Summarize the events that occur during the recovery period of muscle contraction.
    Compare and contrast the metabolism of skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle.

  42. Explain principles and types of whole muscle contraction.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Interpret a myogram of a twitch contraction with respect to the duration of the latent, contraction and relaxation periods and describe the events that occur in each period. Likewise explain the physiological basis for the phenomena of treppe, summation and tetanus.
    Define the terms tension and contraction, with respect to muscles.
    Define the term motor unit.
    Demonstrate isotonic and isometric contraction and interpret graphs of tension vs. time and muscle length vs. time for each type of contraction.
    Demonstrate concentric and eccentric contraction and contrast the relative tension and resistance that exists, as well as the change in muscle length that occurs, in each type of contraction.

  43. Explain nomenclature, location, function, and group actions of skeletal muscles.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Explain how the name of a muscle can help identify its action, appearance, or location.
    Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
    Define the terms prime mover (or agonist), antagonist, synergist and fixator.
    For a given movement, differentiate specific muscles that function as prime mover, antagonist, synergist or fixator.

  44. Explain lever systems.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Differentiate among the three classes of levers in terms of the relative position of fulcrum, effort and load, as well as in terms of the relative power and range of motion.
    Give examples in the human body of muscles and their associated joints to illustrate each type of lever system.

  45. Explain homeostatic mechanisms and predictions related to homeostatic imbalance, including disease states and disorders.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Predict factors or situations affecting the muscular system that could disrupt homeostasis.
    Predict the types of problems that would occur in the body if the muscular system could not maintain homeostasis

  46. Explain the general functions and the organization of the nervous system from both anatomical and functional perspectives
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Describe the major functions of the nervous system.
    Describe the nervous system as a control system identifying nervous system elements that are sensory receptors, the afferent pathway, control centers, the efferent pathway, and effector organs.
    Differentiate between the somatic and autonomic divisions of the nervous system.

  47. Explain gross and microscopic anatomy of nervous tissue
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    List the parts of the nervous system that constitute the central nervous system (CNS) and those that constitute the peripheral nervous system (PNS).
    Identify each type of neuron.
    Identify soma (cell body), axon, and dendrites.
    State which parts of each type of neuron receive information, which parts integrate information, and which parts conduct the output signal of the neuron.
    Describe the location of the cell bodies of each type of neuron within the nervous system.
    State a function of each type of neuron
    Describe how the anatomy of each type of neuron supports its function.
    List four types of CNS glial cells
    Describe functions for each of those cells
    Explain how the anatomy of each CNS glial cell supports its function.
    With respect to glial cells found in the PNS
    List two types of PNS glial cells
    Describe functions for each of those cells
    Explain how the anatomy of each PNS glial cell supports its function
    Define the term nerve.
    Differentiate between a nerve and a CNS tract.

  48. Explain neurophysiology, including mechanism of resting membrane potential, production of action potentials, and impulse transmission
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Define permeability.
    Explain how ion channels affect neuron selective permeability.
    Contrast the relative concentrations of sodium, potassium and chloride ions inside and outside of a cell.
    Differentiate between a concentration gradient and an electrical potential.
    Define electrochemical gradient.
    Differentiate between passive and active ion channels.
    Explain how passive ion channels cause development of the resting membrane potential in neurons.
    Differentiate between voltage-gated and chemically-gated ion channels.
    Describe the voltage-gated ion channels that are essential for development of the action potential.
    Discuss the sequence of events that must occur for an action potential to be generated.
    Describe the role of the sodium-potassium exchange pump in maintaining the resting membrane potential and making continued action potentials possible.
    Define threshold.
    Discuss the role of positive feedback in generation of the action potential.
    Interpret a graph showing the voltage vs. time relationship of an action potential, and relate the terms depolarize, repolarize, and hyperpolarize to the events of an action potential.
    Define absolute and relative refractory periods.
    Explain the physiological basis of the absolute and relative refractory periods.
    Discuss the consequence of a neuron having an absolute refractory period.
    Describe how local circuit currents cause impulse conduction in an unmyelinated axon.
    Explain how axon diameter and myelination affect conduction velocity.
    Describe saltatory conduction.

  49. Explain neurotransmitters and their roles in synaptic transmission
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Identify the presynaptic and postsynaptic cells at a synapse.
    List the structures that comprise a chemical synapse.
    Describe the synaptic (axon) terminal.
    Restate the steps that lead from the action potential arriving in the synaptic terminal to the release of neurotransmitter from synaptic vesicles.
    Discuss the relationship between a neurotransmitter and its receptor.
    Explain how the receptors for neurotransmitters are related to chemically-gated ion channels.
    Describe the events of synaptic transmission in proper chronological order.
    Define excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) and inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) and interpret graphs showing the voltage vs. time relationship of an EPSP and an IPSP.
    Explain temporal and spatial summation of synaptic potentials.
    Explain how movement of sodium ions alone, or movement of both sodium and potassium ions, across the postsynaptic cell membrane can excite a neuron.
    Explain how movement of potassium or chloride ions across the postsynaptic cell membrane can inhibit a neuron.
    Compare and contrast synaptic potentials with action potentials.
    Explain how a single neurotransmitter may be excitatory at one synapse and inhibitory at another.
    Describe the mechanism by which neurotransmitters may have indirect (metabotropic) effects on postsynaptic cells.
    List the most common excitatory neurotransmitter(s) in the CNS and the most common inhibitory neurotransmitter(s) in the CNS.
    Propose a possible CNS function for each biogenic amine neurotransmitter
    Compare and contrast chemical and electrical synapses.

  50. Explain sensory receptors and their roles
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Describe exteroceptors, interoceptors and proprioceptors in terms of the general location of each in the body and the origin of the stimuli that each receives.
    Describe each of the following types of receptors, indicating what sensation it detects and giving an example of where it can be found in the body: pain receptors (nociceptors), temperature receptors, mechanoreceptors (including proprioceptors and barorceptors/pressoreceptors), chemoreceptors, and photoreceptors.
    Explain the generator potential that occurs when receptors for general senses are stimulated.
    Describe the relationship between unipolar neurons and receptors for general senses.
    Differentiate between the site of action potential generation in a unipolar neuron and a multipolar neuron
    Explain the phenomenon of adaptation.
    Compare and contrast receptors for the special senses with receptors for general sensation.

  51. Explain division, origin, and function of component parts of the brain
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    List the five developmental regions of the brain and identify the major areas of the adult brain that arise from each region.
    Correlate functions with each major area of the adult brain.
    Describe the orientation of the brain relative to bones of the skull.
    Identify the five lobes of the cerebral cortex and describe how the motor and sensory functions of the cerebrum are distributed among the lobes.
    Explain why the sensory and motor homunculi are relevant clinically.
    Discuss the concept of cerebral hemispheric specialization and the role of the corpus callosum in connecting the two halves of the cerebrum.
    Describe the location and functions of the limbic system.
    Describe the parts of the brain involved in storage of long term memory and discuss possible mechanisms of memory consolidation.
    Describe the location and functions of the reticular activating system.

  52. Explain the protective, structure and function roles of the cranial bones, meninges, and cerebrospinal fluid.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Describe how the bones of the skull protect the brain.
    Identify the meninges and describe their functional relationship to the brain and cranial bones.
    Describe the functions of cerebrospinal fluid, as well as the details of its production, its circulation within the central nervous system, and its ultimate reabsorption into the bloodstream.
    Describe the structural basis for, and the importance of the blood brain barrier.
    List the cranial nerves by name and number.
    Describe the specific functions of each of the cranial nerves and classify each as sensory, motor or mixed
    Describe the location of the cranial nerve nuclei and the ganglia associated with the cranial nerves.
    Propose how knowledge of the anatomy of cranial nerve nuclei can be used to help pinpoint damage to particular regions of the brain stem.

  53. Explain the anatomy of the spinal cord and spinal nerves
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Describe the gross anatomy of the spinal cord and spinal nerves and specify their location relative to the anatomy of the skeletal system.
    Identify the anatomical features seen in a cross sectional view of the spinal cord
    Contrast the relative position of gray matter and white matter in the spinal cord with the corresponding arrangement of gray and white matter in the brain.
    Identify the dorsal root ganglia, dorsal and ventral roots, and spinal nerves.
    Discuss how the structures root, nerve, ramus, plexus, tract and ganglion relate to one another.
    List the four spinal nerve plexuses and give examples of nerves that emerge from each.
    Distinguish between ascending and descending tracts in the spinal cord.
    Describe the concept of dermatomes and explain why they are clinically significant.

  54. Explain reflexes and their roles in nervous system function
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Define the term reflex.
    Describe reflex responses in terms of the major structural and functional components of a reflex arc.
    Distinguish between each of the following pairs of reflexes: intrinsic (inborn) reflexes vs. learned reflexes, somatic vs. visceral reflexes, monosynaptic vs. polysynaptic reflexes, and ipsilateral vs. contralateral reflexes.
    Explain the terms spinal reflex and intersegmental spinal reflex.
    Describe a stretch reflex, a flexor (withdrawal) reflex, and a crossed-extensor reflex, and name all components of each reflex arc.
    Demonstrate a stretch reflex (e.g., patellar or plantar)
    Propose how specific reflexes would be used in clinical assessment of nervous system function

  55. Explain the physiology of the sensory and motor pathways in the brain and spinal cord
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Describe the locations and functions of the first-, second- and third-order neurons in a sensory pathway.
    Describe the locations and functions of the upper and lower motor neurons in a motor pathway.
    Explain how decussation occurs in sensory and motor pathways and predict how decussation impacts the correlation of brain damage and symptoms in stroke patients.

  56. Explain the functions and comparisons of the autonomic nervous system.
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab Practical Exam
    Written Objective Test
    Completing Study Guides
    Other strategies as selected by the instructor
    Discuss the two divisions of the autonomic nervous system and the general physiological roles of each.
    Contrast the anatomy of the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems, including central nervous system outflow locations, ganglia locations, pre- and post-ganglionic neuron relative lengths, and ganglionic and effector neurotransmitters.
    Describe examples of specific effectors dually innervated by the two branches of the autonomic nervous system and explain how each branch influences function in a given effector.
    Describe examples of effectors innervated by only the sympathetic branch or the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system and explain how that branch by itself influences function in a given effector.
    Contrast sympathetic innervation of the adrenal gland with sympathetic innervation of other effectors.
    Describe major parasympathetic and/or sympathetic physiological effects on target organs.
    Distinguish between the effectors of the somatic and autonomic nervous systems.
    Contrast the cellular anatomy of the somatic and autonomic motor pathways.
    Name the neurotransmitters released at synapses with effector organs in the somatic and autonomic motor pathways and classify each effector response as excitatory or inhibitory.

This Outline is under development.