20801246Investigative Journalism
Course Information
Students develop skills of reportage and story development to create feature articles appropriate to journalism, freelance writing, etc. Reading assignments allow students to become familiar with principles and practice of feature writing. Class meetings follow a newsroom format where deadlines, correspondence, and interview skills are learned and practiced.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Cultivate formats and non-fiction forms
    Assessment Strategies
    by writing features from 500-1000 words for The Clarion and local freelance markets
    use five to ten kinds of feature article openers or leads
    identify in others' work and own work the use of first, second, and third person narrative in feature reporting
    build bridges between paragraphs which flow easily for the reader from one idea, topic or character to another
    develop story endings leaving readers with a message, a take-home value, an action step
    conceive of ideas for ready-to-publish features
    conduct research for ready-to-publish features
    write ready-to-publish features
    edit ready-to-publish features
    meet word guidelines from course guidelines and student publications editors

  2. Cultivate information gathering and interviewing skills
    Assessment Strategies
    by writing features from 500-1000 words for The Clarion and local freelance markets
    prepare questions reaching sources for facts, processes, and open-ended responses
    design interview question scenarios for varying sources and story types
    take notes during live and telephone interviews
    make critical decisions about which material gets used in stories and which doesn't

  3. Practice style, mechanics, and good usage
    Assessment Strategies
    by writing features from 500-1000 words for The Clarion and local freelance markets
    follow Associated Press Stylebook guidelines for copywriting
    proofread draft and final copy using both computer spellchecker on screen and working with hard, paper copy to identify errors
    rewrite before and on deadline after editing alone and with workshop classmates
    respond positively to questions and suggestions student/readers make in the workshop

  4. Generate story ideas alone and with others
    Assessment Strategies
    by participating in group discussion with workshop mates
    by writing features from 500-1000 words for The Clarion and local freelance markets
    develop feature story ideas from your project guide
    brainstorm possibilities for stories openly with workshop mates
    use storyboard possibles from Clarion editors
    bring published stories you have read as models for idea-building in content and approach

  5. Write a single source interview or personal narrative
    Assessment Strategies
    by writing a 300-500 word essay by specified date
    assess model personal narrative articles
    create autobiographical tension by creating conflict between characters or within the narrator him/herself
    develop the literary elements of plot, character, setting, and theme through the use of organization, description, dialogue, and reflection
    interview one source to help develop the details of the story

  6. Write an essay on something, someone, or someplace you love
    Assessment Strategies
    by writing a 600-750 word essay by specified date
    write about a person, place, event, issue, or cultural phenomenon they would rather write about than anything else on earth
    provide summary, paraphrase, and quoted material from two live interviews
    provide summary, paraphrase, and quoted material from two reading sources

  7. Write an essay on something you abhor
    Assessment Strategies
    by writing a 750-800 word essay by specified date
    write about people, organizations, cults or culture, religion, or activity they abhor, are ignorant about, hate, fear, become enraged about
    include at least three live interviews attributed in manuscript
    include at least three reading sources attributed in manuscript

  8. Write an essay about a campus or community issue
    Assessment Strategies
    by writing a 800-1500 word essay by specified date
    write an essay that explores illuminates or helps solve a serious campus or community issue
    include at least three live interviews attributed in manuscript
    include at least three reading sources attributed in manuscript

  9. Write a profile of a person at MATC
    Assessment Strategies
    by writing a 500-1000 word essay by specified date
    write an essay about a student, teacher, mentor or other worker at Truax or other MATC campus
    include at least three-five interviews beyond the one with the subject
    develop knowledge and voices around the chosen person through the use of interviews