10807151Fire Science Technician Physical Education
Course Information
This course is designed for Fire Technician candidates to pass the CPAT (Candidate Physical Ability Test). The emphasis is on assessment of current level of individual fitness and the development of a plan to pass the CPAT. Students will learn about various training methods in developing muscular strength, muscular endurance and cardiovascular fitness. In addition, flexibility and body composition will be stressed in the course.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Analyze the importance of personal physical fitness
    Assessment Strategies
    by completing a physical fitness pretest
    on a written evaluation
    you demonstrate personal strength
    you demonstrate personal flexibility
    you demonstrate personal cardiovascular fitness level
    you demonstrate personal endurance level
    you assess personal body composition
    you use physical fitness terminology appropriately
    you investigate the functions of voluntary muscles
    you explore the principles of the weight training
    you investigate the principles of the use of target heart rate in training
    you differentiate between anaerobic and aerobic training principles

  2. Analyze health risk factors
    Assessment Strategies
    by submitting a self-assessment of personal health risks
    by submitting a health risk for fire fighters assignment
    on a written evaluation
    you compare body composition to health risk factors
    self-assessment includes a completed list of health risks
    self-assessment includes body composition level
    self-assessment includes the results of the personal fitness pretest
    self-assessment includes a daily journal of exercise activities
    self-assessment includes a daily journal of food intake
    self-assessment includes an analysis of diet
    health risk assignment includes a summary of a researched source of fire fighters health risks
    health risk assignment is presented to class
    you recognize the various health risks for fire fighters

  3. Develop a personal physical fitness program
    Assessment Strategies
    by submitting the results of a weight training pretest
    by submitting a personal physical fitness program
    weight training pretest includes the results of one set of 10 repetitions or a maximum lift on each designated weight lifting station
    physical fitness program includes personal objectives
    physical fitness program includes the amount of time committed to the daily program completion
    physical fitness program includes an identification of the muscle group designated for strength improvement
    physical fitness program includes exercises to improve the muscle group
    physical fitness program includes an identification of areas of the body for endurance improvement
    physical fitness program includes exercises to improve the body's endurance
    physical fitness program includes an identification of areas of the body for flexibility improvement
    physical fitness program includes exercises to improve the body's flexibility
    physical fitness program includes an identification of areas of the body for cardiovascular improvement
    physical fitness program includes exercises to improve the body's cardiovascular fitness level

  4. Evaluate personal diet and nutrition
    Assessment Strategies
    by submitting a personal five-day diet journal
    by completing an analysis of the five-day diet
    on a written evaluation
    diet journal includes a list of the amounts of food and drink intake for each meal for five days
    diet journal includes a list of the amounts of food and drink intake for each snack for five days
    diet analysis includes use of a specified computer software to determine the amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, calories, vitamins, minerals for the daily amounts of food and drink intake
    diet analysis includes calculation of calories consumed during each day
    diet analysis includes calculation of calories consumed during each selected exercise activity
    diet analysis includes calculation of calories needed per day
    diet analysis includes a determination of an estimated amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins needed per day
    you determine the recommended amounts of nutrients per day
    you calculate the amount of calories needed per day to lose/gain/maintain body weight

  5. Analyze exercise importance in relation to job performance
    Assessment Strategies
    by submitting a job performance analysis in various physical environments
    analysis includes a description of the physical environment
    analysis includes the effects of the physical environment on personal physical fitness and health
    analysis includes the effects of the physical environment on personal job performance
    job performance analysis includes self and group exercise motivation methods

  6. Implement an exercise program
    Assessment Strategies
    by submitting a daily journal of a personal physical fitness program
    journal covers a 12-week period
    journal is kept on a personally developed card
    journal includes a list of physical fitness activities completed each day
    journal includes problems encountered for incomplete physical fitness activities on specified days
    journal includes adjustments to the physical fitness program
    journal includes an explanation for the adjustments to the physical fitness program

  7. Assess personal fitness level
    Assessment Strategies
    by completing a physical fitness posttest
    by passing the CPAT test within the designated time limit
    you demonstrate personal strength
    you demonstrate personal flexibility
    you demonstrate personal cardiovascular fitness level
    you demonstrate personal endurance level
    you assess personal body composition
    CPAT test includes a designated course path
    CPAT test includes the StepMill stair climb exercise
    CPAT test includes a hose drag exercise
    CPAT test includes an equipment carry exercise
    CPAT test includes a ladder raise and extension exercise
    CPAT test includes a forcible entry exercise
    CPAT test includes a search exercise
    CPAT test includes a rescue exercise
    CPAT test includes a ceiling breach and pull exercise
    CPAT test includes the use of specified tools and equipment
    CPAT test includes the use of specified clothing
    CPAT test is completed in the specified time limit
    CPAT test includes completed test forms