10-806-149 Introduction to G.I.S.
Course Information
Geographic information systems (GIS) provide the ability to automate map production and to integrate earth imagery with other data to produce geo-spatial information. This technology has applications in many fields of science, including environmental assessment, analysis of natural hazards, location analysis, resource management, land use planning, and global change. This course introduces the learner to GIS software, cartographic principles, and data synthesis. Using ArcView 9.0, students learn the fundamentals of ArcView and geo-spatial information science while creating multiple map projects. Learners acquire, sort, relate, and manipulate scalable attribute data for the purposes of measurement retrieval, analysis, synthesis, description, and display of natural and physical features, as well as cultural phenomena, to promote a better understanding of our physical and scalar environment. Using student-acquired and pre-existing data sets, learners focus on how decisions are made regarding land use planning, resource allocation, navigation, shifting populations and more to gain insight into how the earth works and how it is evolving, connecting, and changing.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Define GIS
    Assessment Strategies
    in correct responses to test questions
    learner differentiates between geographical spatial analysis and computer-driven GIS tools
    learner lists the advantages and disadvantages of paper and digital maps
    learner graphs sample digital data

  2. Compare and contrast electronic atlases with GIS
    Assessment Strategies
    in correct responses to test questions
    learner explains how electronic atlases only present information, whereas GIS allows for modification, correction, and further analysis of information

  3. Investigate the significance of spatial information
    Assessment Strategies
    in a written exam
    given sample data
    learner lists the advantages and disadvantages of paper and digital maps
    learner graphs sample digital data

  4. Describe various types of mapping systems
    Assessment Strategies
    given sample data
    given a sample map
    in a written exam
    learner describes two different coordinate systems
    learner locates positions on a map using latitudes and longitude
    learner locates positions on a map using UTM system
    learner lists basic map elements

  5. Describe various methods of projections
    Assessment Strategies
    using GIS software
    in a written exam
    learner describes equal area projections
    learner describes conformal projections
    learner selects the best projection for expressing data

  6. Identify the types of GIS
    Assessment Strategies
    in correct responses to test questions
    learner lists electronic atlases, thematic maps, and street-based mapping systems in GIS and differentiates between scale, features and locations

  7. Distinguish between the five essential characteristics of a modern GIS
    Assessment Strategies
    in correct responses to test questions
    learner lists the five essential characteristics of GIS: spatial data, image data, tabular data, coordinate data, and data dictionary

  8. Differentiate between Raster and Vector data
    Assessment Strategies
    in correct responses to test questions
    learner defines raster data as square cells with problems at edges and scale
    learner defines vector data as coordinate data

  9. Classify six objects that can be displayed on maps
    Assessment Strategies
    in correct responses to test questions
    learner differentiates among points, lines, polygons, images, features, and tabular data

  10. Characterize the three basic shapes used in GIS to represent objects
    Assessment Strategies
    in correct responses to test questions
    learner distinguishes between points, lines, and polygons, and relates them to vector and/or raster data

  11. Define features, spatial relationships, scale, attribute, and theme
    Assessment Strategies
    in correct responses to test questions
    learner relates attributes to features
    learner relates map scale to real-world scale
    learner relates themes to features

  12. Differentiate between file types used in GIS
    Assessment Strategies
    in correct responses to test questions
    learner compiles a list of GIS file types

  13. Investigate the significance of spatial information
    Assessment Strategies
    in a written exam
    producing a map
    learner graphs sample digital data
    learner produces a map
    learner lists advantages and disadvantages of paper and digital maps

  14. Differentiate between ArcView, ArcMap, ArcCatalog, and ArcToolbox software packages
    Assessment Strategies
    in correct responses to test questions
    learner recognizes that ArcMap, ArcCatalog, and ArcToolbox are applications within the ArcGIS software package
    learner compares and contrasts the different functions of ArcMap, ArcCatalog, and ArcToolbox

  15. Evaluate the properties of ArcToolbox
    Assessment Strategies
    in correct responses to test questions
    learner changes map projections
    learner converts spatial data types
    learner uses ArcToolbox wizards

  16. Assess how ArcView relates to GIS
    Assessment Strategies
    in correct responses to test questions
    learner assesses how the ArcView layers, features, feature attributes, and surfaces comprise a GIS

  17. Examine how to navigate in ArcMap and display features
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap to create a map
    learner explains and assesses how data is displayed in ArcMap
    learner differentiates between Map view and Table of Contents
    learner activates and deactivates layers
    learner uses context menus
    learner uses properties dialogue box to assess data
    learner uses Zoom-In tool
    learner uses Zoom-to-Full-Extent tool
    learner uses Zoom-to-Previous-Extent tool
    learner uses Select Element tool
    learner uses Map Tips tool
    learner uses Identify tool

  18. Examine how to get information about map features
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap to create a printable map
    learner uses Pan tool
    learner uses Tools Toolbar
    learner uses Zoom-to-Layer tool
    learner uses Magnifier tool
    learner creates Bookmarks
    learner edits feature data set
    learner uses Measure tool

  19. Discover how to get information about feature attributes
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap to create a printable map
    learner opens, examines, and edits an Attribute Table
    learner sorts fields in attribute table
    learner performs statistical analysis of attribute field data

  20. Explore how to browse map data
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcCatalog to create a printable map
    learner opens ArcCatalog application
    learner uses Options Tools menu to examine the data types and data listings in ArcCatalog
    learner uses Hide File and Unhide File Tool
    learner uses Standard toolbar to Connect to Folders
    learner uses and edits Catalog Tree
    learner differentiates between shapefiles, geodatabase files, layer files, and feature classes
    learner displays thumbnails of data sets
    learner differentiates between data file icons
    learner creates thumbnail icons in map view
    learner uses Preview Tab
    learner uses Metadata Tab to view information
    learner uses Geography Toolbar to highlight features
    learner uses Identify Tool
    learner uses Preview drop-down lists to access feature data set

  21. Demonstrate how to search for data in ArcCatalog
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcCatalog, create a printable map
    learner uses Search button
    learner searches by file name or type
    learner searches by geographic location
    learner searches by file data
    learner searches by Keywords
    learner uses Browse button
    learner uses Find Data button
    learner uses Go-To-Target button
    learner acquires raster data set
    learner uses Catalog Tree and Preview Tab

  22. Explain how to add data to ArcMap
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create a printable map
    learner uses the launch ArcMap button
    learner renames layer file
    learner assesses the difference between a virtual page and data frames
    learner uses Data View button
    learner changes color of layer file
    learner uses color palette
    learner creates New Data Frame

  23. Facilitate how to symbolize features and rasters
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcView, create a four-part map project
    learner uses Symbol Selector and edits symbols
    learner uses Label Features dialog box to edit symbols
    learner changes background colors and symbol colors

  24. Assess how to symbolize features by categorical attributes
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcView, create a new map 1 of a four-part project
    learner uses and edits Symbology features to produce a graduated color scheme for a categorical attribute
    learner uses Color Scheme drop down list
    learner edits new color scheme
    learner adds data to existing map
    learner creates and edits new layer file
    learner creates new map with features symbolized by categorical attributes
    learner edits attribute tables for new layer
    learner creates new map 1 of four-part project

  25. Assess how to use styles and create layer files
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcView, create a new map 2 of a four-part project
    learner adds data to existing file and changes symbols on a point layer
    learner uses Symbol Selector for Point Symbols
    learner uses Display More Symbols
    learner assesses available symbology types
    learner changes sizes and colors of symbols
    learner saves new symbology as a layer file

  26. Clarify how to symbolize rasters
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcView, creates new map 3 of four-part project
    learner clarifies raster data criteria as being a matrix of same-sized cells with value attributes assigned to each cell
    learner builds pyramids
    learner renames raster data set
    learner drags and drops layer files
    learner changes colors of raster layer
    learner selects values for color ramp
    learner edits layer properties
    learner adds and edits vector data to layer file
    learner creates Bookmark
    learner creates new map

  27. Classify features and rasters by standard methods
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcView, create a new map 4 of four-part map project
    learner differentiates between graduated color, dot density, graduated symbol, and proportional symbol map types
    learner differentiates between quantile, natural breaks, equal interval, defined interval, standard deviation, and manual methods for classifying data
    learner sorts attribute fields
    learner creates graduated color symbology map by classifying data set using natural breaks method
    learner creates histogram of data
    learner creates graduated color symbology map by classifying data using equal interval method

  28. Classify features manually
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcView, create new map 5 for four-part map project
    learner classifies data breaks manually
    learner creates histogram of new class
    learner edits data set
    learner formats labels

  29. Assess mapping density
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcView, create new maps 5 and 6 to a four-part map project
    learner normalizes data set
    learner creates new dot density map of populations
    learner creates new graduated color map of population densities

  30. Explore how to use graduated and chart symbols
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcView, create new maps 7, 8 and 9 of four-part map project
    learner assesses how to create graduated symbol maps
    learner selects appropriate symbol for graduated symbol map
    learner changes symbol sizes
    learner replaces symbol values with descriptions
    learner creates and edits new layer file symbolizing energy resources
    learner creates pie chart symbols
    learner creates new pie chart symbol map

  31. Examine how to label features using dynamic labels
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcView, create a new printable map using dynamic labeling
    learner differentiates between dynamic labels and interactive labels
    learner edits labels in a layer file by changing colors, fonts, font sizes, and label placement on map
    learner creates new dynamic labels in a layer file

  32. Appraise the rules for setting and placing labels
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcView, create a new printable map
    learner assesses guidelines for setting rules for label placement
    learner uses Label Placement Options and Placement Tab to set guidelines
    learner changes location of labels on a layer file
    learner changes label priority list to establish new priorities for label placements
    learner changes label placement to follow wavy lines such as rivers
    learner changes scale range to allow labels to show at appropriate scales

  33. Ascertain how to use interactive labels and creating annotation
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcView, create a new map with annotated interactive labels
    learner uses interactive labeling to place labels in preferred places on maps
    learner uses annotation to allow for movement and symbolization individually
    learner saves annotation as a feature class in a geodatabase
    learner edits and creates new labels in the Labeling Options Dialog box
    learner uses the Select Elements tool
    learner creates new map with annotated interactive labels

  34. Examine how to query, select, find, identify, and hyperlink features
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcView, create a new printable map
    learner uses Identify tool
    learner uses Set Selectable Layers button
    learner uses Select Features tool
    learner uses Interactive Selection tool
    learner uses Remove From Current Selection tool
    learner highlights records
    learner finds and uses Hyperlink Tool to get images
    learner creates Hyperlinks
    learner finds features by using matching addresses

  35. Ascertain how to select features by attribute
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcView, create new printable map
    learner builds a query to select features that have values and attributes, and specific relationships between them
    learner uses SQL to build query
    learner uses Select By Attributes box
    learner creates map with new selected attributes based on query parameters

  36. Create a report
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcView, create a report printout
    learner uses Create Report and Properties tool
    learner creates and edits report
    learner preview report with Title
    learner Prints report

  37. Join tables
    Assessment Strategies
    making correct responses to test questions and using ArcView, create new printable map
    learner differentiates among one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-one relationships
    learner joins tables using the Join Table button
    learner creates new layer file and prints new map

  38. Relate tables
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcView, create a new printable map
    learner relates tables in a one-to-many relationship
    learner creates new layer file and prints new map
    learner uses Remove Join and Remove Relate to undo his joins and relates

  39. Assess how to select features by location using location queries
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create a new printable map
    learner defines distance, containment, intersection, and adjacency as spatial relationships
    learner selects features using the Select By Location tab
    learner builds location query
    learner applies buffers
    learner measures and edits distance

  40. Combine attribute and location queries
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, creates new printable map
    learner selects locations by attributes
    learner creates new query by attributes and location criteria
    learner applies new query to create new layer file
    learner joins attributes by location

  41. Prepare data for analysis by dissolving features
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner simplifies data by dissolving features
    learner builds new data set by altering attributes
    learner creates and edits new layer files

  42. Create graphs
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner compares and contrasts graph types: pie, scatter, column, and area graphs
    learner uses Graph Wizard
    learner creates and edits new chart
    learner compares old and new charts
    learner creates new chart map

  43. Simplify data by clipping layers
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner uses Set Selectable Areas
    learner selects features to be clipped
    learner creates new layer and clips data
    learner uses Geoprocessing Wizard

  44. Export data to other files
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner creates new data set and new layer by exporting data
    learner uses Export Data tab
    learner creates and edits new layer file

  45. Analyze spatial data by buffering features
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner assesses the difference between buffers and map overlays
    learner uses the Buffer Wizard
    learner creates 3 buffers and new layer files
    learner edits attributes of buffer layers

  46. Analyze data by overlay method
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner differentiates between union and intersected overlays
    learner uses Geoprocessing Wizard to create new union overlays
    learner creates and edits attributes of new overlay layer file

  47. Analyze data by calculating attribute values
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner differentiates between numeric and text attribute values
    learner builds query using Query Builder
    learner writes and edits expression using SQL
    learner creates new layer file
    learner uses statistical analysis to analyze frequency distributions

  48. Project data in ArcMap for display
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner defines how ArcMap projects on-the-fly
    learner uses ArcToolbox Projection Wizard
    learner edits Metadata file
    learner creates new layer
    learner creates bookmark for new layer

  49. Define a projection
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner uses ArcToolbox to use Define Projection Wizard
    learner selects and defines new projection
    learner uses Spatial Reference Dialog box
    learner creates new layer file

  50. Create a personal geodatabase
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map and in correct responses to test questions
    learner differentiates among geodatabases, shape files, layer files, CAD files, coverages and feature classes
    learner uses ArcCatalog to create a personal geodatabase
    learner uses Geodatabase Wizard
    learner imports outside data
    learner creates, adds, edits, and modifies geodatabase file

  51. Create a feature class
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner defines parameters when importing data to create new feature data class
    learner uses New Feature Data Class Wizard
    learner sets parameters for Feature Data Class
    learner sets spatial references
    learner creates new feature data class

  52. Assess how to add fields and domains to geodatabases and feature classes
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner uses ArcCatalog to define fields in Feature Data Classes
    learner creates, modifies, and edits fields in feature data classes
    learner sets domain properties for feature data classes
    learner builds new feature data class

  53. Draw features
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner defines endpoints, lines, vertices, and edges
    learner uses Draw Tools
    learner uses Create New Feature Tool
    learner uses Arc Tool
    learner uses Distance-Distance Tool
    learner uses Intersection Tool
    learner uses Trace Tool
    learner uses Digitizer Tool
    learner uses Snap Tool
    learner builds new features
    learner draws new features

  54. Use feature construction tools
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner uses Sketch Tools
    learner creates new features

  55. Create new digital data
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner uses Editor Toolbar
    learner creates new features using Angle Command on the Sketch Tool

  56. Elaborate how to edit features and attributes by deletion and modification
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner uses Editor Toolbar to change, modify, and delete features
    learner adds, moves, and deletes vertices

  57. Merge and split features
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner uses Split Command to create two features from one feature
    learner uses Merge Command to create one Feature from two
    learner uses Cut Polygon Tool
    learner uses edit Tool to merge polygons

  58. Examine how to edit feature attribute values
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner uses Field Calculator Tool to change attribute values
    learner creates new feature using editor Toolbar
    learner adds and edits new field to attribute table
    learner adds new fields from ArcCatalog

  59. Create a map quickly by using a map template
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner uses map templates to create a map quickly
    learner opens and selects map templates
    learner uses Pan Tool
    learner uses Zoom to Whole Page Tool
    learner edits graticule intervals
    learner adds graticules to Data Frames

  60. Add x,y data to an existing map
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner adds x,y coordinate data to existing map
    learner renames, edits, and saves new data layer

  61. Draw graphics on a map
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner uses Draw Toolbar to add graphics and text to existing map
    learner adds title to map
    learner adds text box to new map

  62. Use Geography Network with ArcMap
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner uses Geography Network to access online services
    learner adds a map service to ArcMap
    learner applies template to a map

  63. Create the layout for a page
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map, and in correct responses to test questions
    learner differentiates among good map elements: Information, Revelation, Clarification, and Conviction
    learner uses layout Toolbar
    learner sets map orientation
    learner uses guides to set layout
    learner resizes and rearranges data frames on layout page
    learner drags data frames around map page

  64. Add a title
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner uses insert menu
    learner adds title to map
    learner changes font, style, color and size of title
    learner adds and edits subtitle to map
    learner rotates title bars 90 degrees and places on map
    learner draws new rectangle for map

  65. Add a north arrow, scale bar, and legend
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner uses Insert Menu to add, edit, and display North Arrow, scale bar, and legend to map
    learner examines available objects and options in insert menu bar

  66. Add final touches and set print options
    Assessment Strategies
    using ArcMap, create new printable map
    learner adjusts scale bar sizes
    learner adds photo image to map
    learner adds borderlines to map
    learner uses preview map to check quality before printing