10607155Survey 1
Course Information
Basic measurement concepts, procedures, errors and computations underlying the technical aspects of surveying. Students use modern instrumentation to perform elevation, distance, and angular measurements. Coordinate geometry is introduced as a computational tool. Computations are done both manually and on computer using commercial software.
Total Credits
Prior Learning Assessment
  • Exam-College Developed Challenge Exam

Course Competencies
  1. Demonstrate general surveying principles
    Assessment Strategies
    Skill Demonstration
    Describe different surveying applications
    Identify the important characteristics of documenting measurements
    Describe field note content and organization
    Identify and describe sources of measurement errors
    Identify and describe the behavior of different types of errors
    Compensate systematic errors

  2. Perform elevation determination
    Assessment Strategies
    Skill Demonstration
    Define basic terms
    Demonstrate correct differential leveling field procedure
    Demonstrate the correct way to record field measurements
    Correctly compute and adjust a level circuit

  3. Perform field traversing
    Assessment Strategies
    Skill Demonstration
    Identify and describe primary methods of distance determination
    Describe the primary types of angle measurements
    Correctly set up and center a TSI over a point
    Demonstrate the correct procedure for measuring a horizontal angle
    Demonstrate the correct procedure for measuring a horizontal distance

  4. Perform traverse computations
    Assessment Strategies
    Skill Demonstration
    Compute angular closure
    Perform preliminary traverse calculations
    Perform traverse adjustment
    Compute coordinate values of traverse
    Determine distance and direction from coordinates
    Documents results

  5. Demonstrate knowledge of the Public Land Survey System (PLS)
    Assessment Strategies
    Skill Demonstration
    Describe the reasons for the PLS
    Summarize the current PLS procedure
    Identify types of corners and accessories and when they are used
    Describe unique aspects of the PLS in Wis
    Locate originate notes and plats for Wis PLS corners
    Describe aliquot part creation