10601372Building Automation Systems 2
Course Information
Develop skills required to analyze, modify, and understand programing of various HVAC (Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning) control systems. Advanced Strategies of building automation control systems will be studied and applied to project work on systems most often found in commercial HVAC systems. Write sequence of operations for control strategies used in typical commercial applications; practice fundamental computer skills and learn how to program (graphic block “box” and plain text “script”). Properly commission software applications of control systems for several commonly used automation platforms such as tritium etc. This course also covers energy management and maintenance management as it applies to facilities.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Practice shop safety
    Assessment Strategies
    Written objective test, Lab performance
    Describe basic shop safety rules
    Perform lock-out/ tag-out procedures
    Choose the correct personal protective equipment for given tasks
    Identify potential safety hazards that can be minimized by shop cleanliness
    Describe safe practices for lifting and transporting heavy objects
    Handle tools and chemicals appropriately

  2. Analyze common control strategies
    Assessment Strategies
    Written project work, Drawing project
    Identify HVAC systems
    Diagram control strategies used in HVAC systems
    Identify the control loop components
    Describe individual zone controls
    Compare typical control strategies

  3. Document control processes
    Assessment Strategies
    Written project work, Skill Demonstration
    Diagram a control loop and the associated HVAC system components
    Write a sequence of operation for a control loop
    Develop a flow chart for a control loop agents
    Describe the characteristics and uses of a system drawing
    Describe the characteristics and uses of a sequence of operation
    Describe the characteristics, symbols and uses of a flow chart
    Write a sequence of operation
    Draw a single line drawing of a simple control loop
    Draw a flow chart of a simple control loop

  4. Analyze system diagrams and written descriptions
    Assessment Strategies
    Presentation, Written test
    Break down a diagram into individual control loops.
    Dissect a sequence of operation to determine information required for individual control loops.
    Associate written descriptions with diagrams.
    Diagram a system given a written description.
    Describe the system given a system diagram.

  5. Engineer a control system for a HVAC process
    Assessment Strategies
    Project work, Written test
    Design a control system.
    Document a control system creating an operation and maintenance manual.
    Locate control devices for a specified control loop.
    Identify typical control applications.
    Recommend a control strategy.
    Document a control system.

  6. Set up and program building automated controllers
    Assessment Strategies
    Project Work, Written test
    Set up networks for various Building automation controllers to allow for communication with central user interface (UI) device
    Set up Inputs, Outputs and variables / numerics for various Building automation controllers
    Analyze various control programming styles.
    Write control programming using various manufacturers software

  7. Analyze program types and methods used by various building automation systems
    Assessment Strategies
    Written exercise, Written test
    Analyze embedded style programming
    Analyze embedded menu driven programming
    Analyze systems using Graphic Function block programming
    Analyze systems using Text based programming

  8. Develop graphic function block programs
    Assessment Strategies
    Written exercise, Project work
    Define a graphic function block
    Analyze a graphic function block
    Revise a graphic function block
    Design a graphic function block

  9. Develop text based programs
    Assessment Strategies
    Written exercise, Project work
    Define a Text based program
    Analyze a Text based program
    Revise a Text based program
    Design a Text based program

  10. Commission programming of a building automation system
    Assessment Strategies
    Lab project, Formal demonstration
    Articulate a diagnostic procedure
    Analyze the system as a whole
    Analyze individual control loops of the system
    Diagnose system programming problems

  11. Apply energy management to the role of facility managers
    Assessment Strategies
    Written project work
    Review various government programs set up for energy management
    Analyze critical areas of a commercial facility utility bill
    Learn the administrative components of an energy audit
    Learn the typical evaluated criteria of an energy audit for a facility
    Use tools necessary in order to test or measure evaluated criteria of an energy audit
    Conduct an energy audit of a facility

  12. Apply maintenance management to the role of facility managers
    Assessment Strategies
    Written test, Project work
    Review maintenance management strategies
    Review documentation used in maintenance management programs
    Analyze maintenance management programs