10531923Paramedic Capstone
Course Information
This course provides the student with a final opportunity to incorporate their cognitive knowledge and psychomotor skills through labs and scenario-based practice and evaluations prior to taking the National Registry written and practical examinations. Technical skills attainment (TSA) for each student will be compiled and/or documented within this course as required by the DHS-approved paramedic curriculum.
Total Credits
Course Competencies
Demonstrate competence in the Technical Skills Attainment (TSA) psychomotor requirements.Assessment StrategiesOral, Written, Graphic Assessment, Simulation, and/or Simulation Summative AssessmentCriteriayou follow the published protocol provided by your Training Centeryou meet minimum simulation standards and guidelines as identified by CoAEMSP, WTCS, DHS, and Advisory Board
Demonstrate competence in the Technical Skills Attainment (TSA) affective requirements.Assessment StrategiesOral, Written, Graphic Assessment, Simulation, and/or Simulation Summative AssessmentCriteriayou follow the published protocol provided by your Training Centeryou meet minimum simulation standards and guidelines as identified by CoAEMSP, WTCS, DHS, and Advisory Board
Demonstrate skills required for National Registry practical examination.Assessment StrategiesOral, Written, Graphic Assessment, Simulation, and/or Simulation Summative AssessmentCriteriayou follow the published protocol provided by your Training Centeryou meet minimum simulation standards and guidelines as identified by CoAEMSP, WTCS, DHS, and Advisory Board