10-526-199Radiography Clinical 4
Course Information
This fourth level clinical course prepares radiography students to perform radiologic procedures on patients. The student transitions from direct to indirect supervision as competency performance increases. Students apply radiation protection and standard precautions in the production of radiographic images in a health care setting while adhering to legal and ethical guidelines. Students are encouraged to demonstrate independent judgment in the performance of clinical competencies.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Demonstrate continued clinical competence to carry out the production and evaluation of radiographic images
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, written, graphic and/or skill assessment
    you follow safety procedures
    you perform clinical competencies according to established criteria checklist
    you assemble image documentation
    you use equipment correctly according to established procedures
    you select the correct image receptor
    you perform an evaluation of the requisition and patient assessment
    you ensure physical facilities readiness
    you provide patient care and management
    you position the patient correctly utilizing positioning aids if necessary
    you adapt procedure to the age and condition of patient
    you select appropriate image production exposure factors and make exposure
    you evaluate final images for exposure quality, anatomical presentation, and patient identifying information
    you apply computer skills in the radiographic clinical setting
    you correlate digital concepts and principles to clinical application
    you practice proper body mechanics

  2. Provide quality patient care
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, written, graphic and/or skill assessment
    you obtain and document accurate patient history according to establish procedure
    you obtain patient history in a timely manner
    you use correct medical terminology
    you identify correct patient and procedure to perform
    you assess patient condition and respond accordingly
    you provide for patient modesty and comfort
    you provide patient centered clinically effective care for all patients regardless of age, gender, disability, special needs, ethnicity or culture
    a: Students will cultivate the skills needed for life and work in our diverse communities including: Intercultural communication skills and inclusive language, Workplace expectations (e.g. customer service, employee relationships, acceptable workplace behavior, etc.) that focus on awareness of cultural identity, cultivating inclusivity and implementing culturally relevant services for diverse needs
    you demonstrate the principles of safe transfer, positioning, and immobilization of patients

  3. Practice radiation safety principles
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, written, graphic and/or skill assessment
    you practice the cardinal principles of radiation protection: time, distance, and shielding
    you use proper collimation
    you shield patient and others as appropriate
    you wear personal dosimeter
    you begin to recognize technical factors that produce quality diagnostic images with the lowest radiation exposure possible

  4. Differentiate between emergency and non-emergent patient situations
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, written, graphic and/or skill assessment
    you differentiate between emergency and non-emergency procedures
    you comply with department and institutional responses to emergencies, disasters, and accidents
    you are CPR certified
    you locate the crash cart

  5. Apply infection control standards
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, written, graphic and/or skill assessment
    you wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)
    you perform proper handwashing technique
    you apply standard and transmission based precautions
    you apply the appropriate medical asepsis and sterile technique

  6. Use appropriate and effective written, oral, and nonverbal communication with patients, the public, and members of the healthcare team in the clinical setting
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, written, graphic and/or skill assessment
    you develop communication skills appropriate to the clinical setting
    you use appropriate communication to the comprehension level of the patient/family
    you use active listening skills
    you use communication techniques appropriate to the setting
    you explain exam and give clear instructions
    you communicate/interact with patients as appropriate
    you adapt communication techniques to reflect ethnic and cultural diversity

  7. Model professional and ethical behavior consistent with the ARRT Code of Ethics
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, written, graphic and/or skill assessment
    you demonstrate safe, ethical and legal practices
    you integrate personal and professional values into clinical practice
    you maintain patient confidentiality standards and meet HIPAA requirements
    you demonstrate respect for diversity with appropriate interaction and communication with various cultures, races, gender, and age groups
    you interact professionally with healthcare professionals, patients and family

  8. Apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills in the practice of diagnostic radiography
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, written, graphic and/or skill assessment
    you develop critical thinking skills appropriate to the clinical setting
    you adapt procedures to meet age specific, disease specific, and cultural needs of patient
    you adapt to alternative procedures and situations
    you adapt exposure techniques to patient’s physical and pathological conditions
    you use logic and judgement in performing procedure efficiently and effectively
    you verify your decision with your supervising technologist before implementation
    you evaluate image for diagnostic quality and implement corrective action if necessary
    you exercise the priorities required in daily clinical practice

  9. Perform specialized off hour objectives (if needed)
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, written, graphic and/or skill assessment
    you interact with health care team
    you perform office procedures
    you respond to non-traditional situations