10-522-132IA: Positive Classroom Management Techniques
Course Information
This course examines the impact of issues such as divorce, alcoholism, child abuse, youth suicide, stress, bullying, harassment, violence and gangs on behavior in the classroom. Conflict resolution techniques and de-escalation strategies and with an emphasis on prevention will also be examined.
Total Credits
Course Competencies
Assess issues that influence youths' behavior.Assessment StrategiesOral, Written or Graphic ProductCriteriaproduct includes description of issue.product includes statistics.product includes symptomatic behaviors.product includes recommended resources.product includes strategies to deal with issue.
Analyze laws, rules and regulations, and procedural safeguards regarding behavior management.Assessment StrategiesOral, Written or Graphic ProductCriteriaproduct includes summary of each law.product includes list of Web sites pertaining to legal issues and behavior management.product includes the implications of each law for instructional assistants.
Identify techniques to encourage responsible student behaviors.Assessment StrategiesOral, Written or Graphic ProductCriteriaproduct includes at least 10 techniques that encourage responsible behaviors.product includes techniques that increase intrinsic motivation.product provides examples of appropriate uses of 5 of the 10 techniques.product provides an example of appropriate uses of techniques that increase intrinsic motivation.
Apply effective strategies for managing student behaviors outside of the classroom.Assessment StrategiesOral, Written or Graphic ProductCriteriaproduct lists procedures designed to eliminate behavior problems.product lists expectations of students in the Common Area.product describes consequences when rules are not followed.product lists situations to which instructional assistants should pay particular attention.product includes management tips.
Apply de-escalation strategies for a given situation.Assessment StrategiesOral, Written or Graphic ProductCriterialearner describes the situation.learner describes instructional assistant's role in the use of de-escalation strategies.learner chooses appropriate strategy for the given situation.learner describes reasons for selected strategy.
Apply conflict resolution strategies.Assessment StrategiesOral, Written or Graphic ProductCriterialearner describes the situation.learner describes instructional assistant's role in the use of conflict resolution strategies.learner chooses appropriate strategy for the given situation.learner describes reasons for selected strategy.
Identify strategies to deal with student non-compliance or defiance.Assessment StrategiesOral, Written or Graphic ProductCriteriaLeaner uses proximity management.Learner identifies each strategy for handling non-compliant behaviors used in the scenario.Learner gets the student's attention.Learner uses clear and simple language.Learner provides specific directions.Learner gives only one or two directions at a time.Learner gives a "firm message" direction as opposed to a "soft message" or asking a question.Learner states a direction positively.Learner provides visual prompts.Learner allows a reasonable response time.Learner asks for cooperation.Learner offers the student a choice.Learner lets the student know the result of not following directions.Learner does not engage in arguing with the student.Learner does not let student get away with defiance.Learner explains the importance of refusing to use physical force.Learner explains the importance of discussing situation with immediate supervisor.Learner explains the importance of keeping records.