10-512-128Surgical Tech Fundamentals 2
Course Information
Focuses on enhancing surgical technology skills while functioning as a sterile team member. Lab is included.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Classify surgical wounds
    Assessment Strategies
    in an oral, written, demonstrative and/or graphic response
    by answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency (Your instructor may require several written exams as part of this course. You will be notified in advance.)
    response identifies the classification of surgical wounds
    response specifies the surgical procedures related to each type of wound
    response identifies the classification of wounds according to their degree of microbial contamination
    response includes classification examples of surgical procedures that fall into each category

  2. Compare and contrast wound closure materials
    Assessment Strategies
    in an oral, written, demonstrative and/or graphic response
    by answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency (Your instructor may require several written exams as part of this course. You will be notified in advance.)
    you analyze and assess the factors that influence the closure of each wound layer
    you analyze the components of suture packaging
    you compare and contrast suture materials, suture sizing, and suture coatings
    you demonstrate proper suture selection, preparation, handling and cutting techniques
    you describe needle points and needle bodies and demonstrate proper placement, handling, loading and disposal of surgical needles
    you describe different skin closure materials
    you identify various wound closure materials

  3. Identify stages of wound healing
    Assessment Strategies
    in an oral, written, demonstrative and/or graphic response
    by answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency (Your instructor may require several written exams as part of this course. You will be notified in advance.)
    you identify intentional, unintentional, and incidental/chronic wounds
    you identify the phases and processes of wound healing
    you analyze factors that influence wound healing
    you identify the complications of wound healing
    you demonstrate basic wound care concepts and apply the principles of asepsis and sterile technique

  4. Differentiate among types of specialized surgical equipment
    Assessment Strategies
    by answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency (Your instructor may require several written exams as part of this course. You will be notified in advance.)
    in an oral, written, demonstrative and/or graphic response
    differentiation includes the function of equipment
    differentiation includes the care of equipment
    differentiation includes the assembly of equipment
    differentiation includes MIS endoscopy equipment
    differentiation includes MIS robotic equipment
    differentiation includes lasers
    differentiation includes ESU
    differentiation includes listing necessary equipment in the post anesthesia care unit (PACU)

  5. Analyze principles of hemostasis
    Assessment Strategies
    in an oral, written, demonstrative and/or graphic response
    by answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency (Your instructor may require several written exams as part of this course. You will be notified in advance.)
    you assemble necessary equipment
    you prepare electrosurgical unit for use
    you place grounding pad
    you identify blood components, clotting mechanisms, and the process of monitoring blood loss in the scrub role
    you identify mechanical methods
    you identify chemical methods
    you identify thermal methods
    you discuss the mechanisms of hemostasis

  6. Demonstrate care and handling of dressing materials
    Assessment Strategies
    in an oral, written, demonstrative and/or graphic response
    by answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency [Your instructor may require several written exams as a part of this course. You will be notified in advance.]
    you maintain principles of sterile technique while applying dressings to the surgical wound
    you request dressings be opened at appropriate time
    you prepare dressings materials as needed
    you cleanse and dry the skin prior dressing application
    you apply the dressing as directed
    you secure the dressing
    you identify appropriate dressing materials for various surgical wounds

  7. Prepare catheters and drains for use
    Assessment Strategies
    in an oral, written, demonstrative and/or graphic response
    by answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency [Your instructor may require several written exams as a part of this course. You will be notified in advance.]
    you maintain principles of sterile technique while handling catheters/drains
    you identify types of catheters and drains for use in surgical procedures
    you differentiate between types and uses of catheters and drains
    you prepare catheters/drains for specific use

  8. Perform specimen care and handling
    Assessment Strategies
    in an oral, written, demonstrative and/or graphic response
    by answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency [Your instructor may require several written exams as a part of this course. You will be notified in advance.]
    you demonstrate handling techniques and validation process for different specimens
    you pass the specimen to a nonsterile person
    you follow safety protocols
    you identify specimen type that may be collected
    you identify types of specimen containers
    you assess methods utilized in specimen identification and test[s]
    you identify the procedure for managing a specimen incident

  9. Perform intraoperative case management in the scrub role
    Assessment Strategies
    in an oral, written, demonstrative and/or graphic response
    by answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency [Your instructor may require several written exams as a part of this course. You will be notified in advance.]
    you pass instruments following requests or hand signals to the surgeon
    you pass needed supplies and items as requested
    you keep the patient area and mayo stand neat
    you return instruments not in use by the surgeon to the appropriate location
    you request supplies as needed
    you label all solutions/medications appropriately before use
    you handle specimen appropriately
    you prepare closure materials at appropriate times
    you initiate counts
    you monitor the sterile field
    you demonstrate anticipation
    you recognize contamination and take appropriate action
    you request dressings at the end of the procedure
    you report required information to the RN (meds, fluids, implant info, etc.)
    you clear the field of instruments, equipment, sharps and supplies at end of procedure
    you move mayo stand away from patient
    you perform in a timely manner

  10. Perform the non-sterile role in the perioperative phase
    Assessment Strategies
    by applying the principles and skills in a role-play
    in an oral, written, demonstrative or graphic response
    by answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency [Your instructor may require several written exams as a part of this course. You will be notified in advance.]
    you monitor OR traffic
    you anticipate needs of sterile team
    you perform counts
    you provide specimen care
    you perform intraoperative documentation
    you monitor the sterile field
    you provide and secure dressings and drains
    you assist transferring patient from OR table to stretcher
    you document
    you assist with break down of OR
    you analyze the immediate postoperative care of the surgical patient

  11. Perform postoperative case management in the scrub role
    Assessment Strategies
    in an oral, written, demonstrative and/or graphic response
    by answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency [Your instructor may require several written exams as a part of this course. You will be notified in advance.]
    you wear proper PPE
    you gather reusable supplies and equipment following facility policy
    you dispose of sharps, linen and waste following facility policy
    you return used instruments according to facility policy
    you remove soiled surgical attire appropriately
    you return items to proper storage area
    you apply principles of disinfection while processing the OR for another procedure
    you consistently practice standard precautions
    you assist with patient transfer

  12. Drape the patient, equipment, and furniture for surgical procedures
    Assessment Strategies
    in an oral, written, demonstrative and/or graphic response
    by answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency [Your instructor may require several written exams as a part of this course. You will be notified in advance.]
    you apply sterile technique in draping the mayo stand and/or ancillary tables
    you assemble drapes in order of use
    you pass drapes in accordance with surgeon preference
    you assist with draping the patient
    you pass instrumentation utilized to secure draping as needed
    you demonstrate the placement of the drapes needed for special equipment (i.e., c-arm drape)
    you maintain sterility of the drape while draping
    you recognize contamination and take corrective actions

  13. Examine emergency situations that may arise in the surgical setting
    Assessment Strategies
    in an oral, written, demonstrative and/or graphic response
    by answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency [Your instructor may require several written exams as a part of this course. You will be notified in advance.]
    you perform duties within the scope of practice related to emergencies in the OR setting
    you describe emergency procedures carried out in the OR setting
    you determine the role of the Surgical Technologist during malignant hyperthermia
    you determine the role of the Surgical Technologist during cardiac arrest/CPR
    you determine the role of the Surgical Technologist during hemolytic reaction
    you determine the role of the Surgical Technologist during anaphylactic reaction
    you determine the role of the Surgical Technologist during hemorrhage
    you determine the role of the Surgical Technologist during fluid and hemodynamic disorders

  14. Perform initial steps for starting a surgical procedure
    Assessment Strategies
    in an oral, written, demonstrative and/or graphic response
    by answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency [Your instructor may require several written exams as a part of this course. You will be notified in advance.]
    you bring the mayo stand to the sterile field
    you position sterile draped furniture for efficient use
    you place light handles
    you secure cords and tubing to the sterile field
    you place mayo stand over patient appropriately for the procedure
    you place appropriate sponges on patient
    you hand appropriate instruments to surgeon as requested

  15. Summarize interventional radiology applications used in surgery
    Assessment Strategies
    in an oral, written, demonstrative and/or graphic response
    by answering questions that require you to apply knowledge about this competency [Your instructor may require several written exams as a part of this course. You will be notified in advance.]
    you identify the purpose of IR
    you identify patient preparation
    you identify anatomical access for various IR procedures
    you identify patient complications
    you describe the components of an IR suite
    you identify radiation safety measures
    you describe the different imaging modalities
    you identify the role of the surgical technologist in various IR procedures