10-508-117Dental Hygiene Process 4
Course Information
This clinical course builds on and expands the technical/clinical skills student dental hygienists developed in Dental Hygiene Process 3. With feedback from the instructor, students manage all aspects of cases in the course of providing comprehensive care for calculus case type 0, 1, 2, and 3 patients and for case type 0 I, II, and III patients. Emphasizes maximization of clinical efficiency and effectiveness. Prepares student dental hygienists to demonstrate their clinical skills in a formal examination situation.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Provide comprehensive care for calculus case type 0, 1, 2, and 3 patients
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written and/or Skill Assessment
    implement services, in consultation with your instructor, as described in the care plans for a minimum number of patients
    implement services, with feedback from your instructor, as described in the dental hygiene patient care plan for children, adolescents, and adults
    obtain informed consent
    perform primary assessment on the patient (medical/dental history, vital signs, extraoral and intraoral exams)
    document proper CDT codes (if applicable)
    expose appropriate images as prescribed
    chart restorations and existing conditions of the dentition
    prepare a dental hygiene care plan based on patient need
    identify alternative treatment options
    care plan shows evidence that you have adapted treatments to meet the patient's unique needs
    communicate the dental hygiene care plan to the patient
    manage the patient's pain and anxiety
    employ standard precautions through the process of care
    document treatment, oral findings, procedures, and dental hygiene services that have been performed
    communicate in a professional manner with patients
    interact in a professional manner with the instructor
    present a professional appearance in accordance with clinic criteria
    hard deposits are removed from the teeth
    soft deposits are removed from the teeth
    soft tissue is not injured
    make recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the care plan and the treatment

  2. Provide comprehensive care for patients with all periodontal stages and grades
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written and/or Skill Assessment
    implement services, in consultation with your instructor, as described in the care plans for a minimum number of patients
    obtain informed consent
    perform primary assessment on the patient (medical/dental history, vital signs, extraoral and intraoral exams)
    document proper CDT codes (if applicable)
    expose appropriate images as prescribed
    chart restorations and existing conditions of the dentition
    prepare a dental hygiene care plan based on patient need
    identify alternative treatment options
    care plan shows evidence that you have adapted treatments to meet the patient's unique needs
    communicate the dental hygiene care plan to the patient
    manage the patient’s pain and anxiety
    employ standard precautions throughout the process of care
    document treatment, oral findings, procedures, and dental hygiene services that have been performed
    perform root detoxification on periodontally involved tooth services
    communicate in a professional manner with the patients
    communicate in a professional manner with the instructor
    present a professional appearance in accordance with clinic criteria
    hard deposits are removed from the teeth
    soft deposits are removed from the teeth
    soft tissue is not injured
    make recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the care plan and the treatment

  3. Communicate findings to the dentist
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written and/or Skill Assessment
    address the dentist with professional title
    report to the dentist is clear, concise, accurate, and complete
    report includes only significant findings
    report notes changes or updates
    demonstrate sensitivity to the patient's concerns, feelings, fears, and needs
    tone of voice and volume demonstrate respect for the patient's privacy

  4. Maximize your clinical efficiency
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written and/or Skill Assessment
    schedule your patients so that you are able to provide comprehensive care for each patient, while maximizing the number of patients you serve
    patients are seated within 15 minutes
    follow efficient infection control protocol
    work meets relevant criteria
    verbal report to the dentist is clear, concise, accurate, and complete
    documentation is completed in a timely manner and meets relevant criteria
    manage stress
    adapt to unexpected patient needs and scheduling disruptions
    request help if you need it in a professional manner
    promote a team environment
    reflection summarizes the results of patient surveys
    reflection highlights your successes
    reflection identifies areas in which you experienced difficulties
    reflection proposes changes that will improve patients' experience and your efficiency

  5. Demonstrate dental hygiene clinical skills in a formal examination setting
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written and/or Skill Assessment
    selected patient qualifies
    follow examination protocol
    manage stress
    adapt to unexpected requests
    respect the needs of your patient
    accept feedback professionally

  6. Demonstrate business practices important to the practice of Dental Hygiene
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written and/or Skill Assessment
    records are formatted according to organizational specifications
    records are legible
    records show correct use and spelling of professional/technical terminology
    records include diagrams and charts (when present or needed) that are accurately labeled and or completed
    records, conclusions, and recommendations are written using standard English and correct usage, punctuation, spelling
    records are signed and dated
    conclusions and recommendations are attached
    conclusions and recommendations are logical, accurate, and feasible
    manage appointment times
    manage recall system
    manage coding procedures
    utilize dental office software
    manage inventory and supplies