10-508-112Dental Hygiene Process 3
Course Information
This clinical course builds on and expands the technical/clinical skills student dental hygienists developed in Dental Hygiene Process 2. In consultation with the instructor, students apply independent problem-solving skills in the course of providing comprehensive care for calculus case type 1, 2, and 3 patients and case type 0, I, II, and III patients. Dental Hygiene Process 3 introduces root detoxification using hand and ultra-sonic instruments, laser bacterial reduction, selection of dental implant prophylaxis treatment options, and administration of chemotherapeutic agents. Students also adapt care plans in order to accommodate patients with special needs.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Perform root detoxification with hand instruments
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written and/or Skill Assessment
    indicate areas appropriate for root detoxification during treatment planning
    assemble the appropriate armamentarium
    explain the procedure to the patient
    select an appropriate Gracey curette
    use multidirectional strokes
    begin with short, overlapping strokes
    progress to longer, overlapping strokes
    use light, even lateral pressure
    confine strokes within the sulcus or pocket
    maintain sharpness of curettes
    evaluate the detoxified surfaces for smoothness relative to individual root anatomy
    explain post-operative reactions/instructions to patient
    follow appropriate infection control protocol

  2. Perform root detoxification with power instruments
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written and/or Skill Assessment
    indicate areas appropriate for root detoxification during treatment planning
    assemble the appropriate armamentarium
    explain the procedure to the patient
    select an appropriate insert
    adjust the water and power to the desired setting
    use multidirectional strokes
    begin with short, overlapping strokes
    progress to longer, overlapping strokes
    confine strokes to the sulcus or pocket
    evaluate the detoxified surfaces for smoothness relative to individual root anatomy
    explain post-operative reactions/instructions to patient
    follow appropriate infection control protocol

  3. Administer prescribed chemotherapeutic agents
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written and/or Skill Assessment
    evaluate efficacy of initial therapy and determine need for site specific therapy
    identify a site for use of a chemotherapeutic agent
    select the optimum intervention for your patient
    assemble armamentarium specific to the chemotherapeutic agent chosen for your patient
    administer chemotherapeutic agent according to manufacturer's directions
    verbalize contraindications for chemotherapeutic agent used on patient
    verbalize post-operative instruction to patient
    document treatment provided in the patient record

  4. Adapt care plan to accommodate patients with special needs
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written and/or Skill Assessment
    identify patient needs and significant findings that impact the delivery of dental hygiene services
    obtain consultations as needed
    discuss adaptive aids for intervention of etiologic risk factors to prevent disease
    prioritize the care plan based on health status and collaboration with patient and other professionals
    adapt treatment based on health status and the actual and potential problems of the individual to facilitate optimal oral health
    establish a treatment sequence of care appropriate to patient needs

  5. Select treatment options for prophylaxis on dental implants
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written and/or Skill Assessment
    list the armamentarium necessary for providing professional dental hygiene care for dental implant patients
    assess the need for removal of hard or soft deposits on implant patients
    identify and document signs and symptoms of oral problems and risk factors associated with dental implants

  6. Provide comprehensive care for calculus case type 1, 2, and 3 patients
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written and/or Skill Assessment
    implement services, in consultation with your instructor, as described in the care plans for a minimum number of patients
    obtain informed consent
    document proper CDT codes (if applicable)
    perform primary assessment on the patient (medical/dental history, vital signs, extraoral and intraoral exams)
    expose appropriate images as prescribed
    chart restorations and existing conditions of the dentition
    prepare a dental hygiene care plan based on patient need
    identify alternative treatment options
    care plan shows evidence that you have adapted treatments to meet the patient's unique needs
    communicate the dental hygiene care plan to the patient
    manage the patient's pain and anxiety
    employ standard precautions through the process of care
    document treatment, oral findings, procedures, and dental hygiene services that have been performed
    communicate in a professional manner with the patients
    interact in a professional manner with the instructor
    present a professional appearance in accordance with clinic criteria
    hard deposits are removed from the teeth
    soft deposits are removed from the teeth
    soft tissue is not injured
    evaluate the completeness and effectiveness of the care plan and the treatment

  7. Provide comprehensive care for patients with all periodontal stages and grades
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written and/or Skill Assessment
    implement services, in consultation with your instructor, as described in the care plans for a minimum number of patients
    obtain informed consent
    document proper CDT codes (if applicable)
    perform primary assessment on the patient (medical/dental history, vital signs, extraoral and intraoral exams)
    expose appropriate images as prescribed
    chart restorations and existing conditions of the dentition
    prepare a dental hygiene care plan based on patient need
    identify alternative treatment options
    care plan shows evidence that you have adapted treatments to meet the patient's unique needs
    communicate the dental care plan to the patient
    manage the patient's pain and anxiety
    employ standard precautions through the process of care
    document treatment, oral findings, procedures, and dental hygiene services that have been performed
    perform root detoxification on periodontally involved tooth surfaces
    communicate in a professional manner with the patients
    interact in a professional manner with the instructor
    present a professional appearance in accordance with clinic criteria
    hard deposits are removed from the teeth
    soft deposits are removed from the teeth
    soft tissue is not injured
    evaluate the completeness and effectiveness of the care plan and the treatment

  8. Perform laser therapy
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written and/or Skill Assessment
    indicate areas appropriate for laser therapy during treatment planning
    assemble the appropriate armamentarium
    explain the procedure to the patient
    select an appropriate laser tip
    select the correct wattage
    use appropriate stroke technique
    confine strokes to area of treatment
    explain post-operative reactions and instructions to patient
    follow appropriate infection control protocol
    follow recommended safety procedures
    document treatment in the patient record