Course Information
This course focuses on the characteristics and contributing factors of dental decay. Dental Hygiene students help patients minimize caries risk by developing treatment plans, communicating methods to patients, and evaluating treatment results.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Classify carious lesions by location and extent
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written or Graphic Assessment
    classify the types of carious lesions
    categorize the location of carious lesions using GV Black classification
    categorize the extent of carious lesions

  2. Select techniques for detecting caries
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written or Graphic Assessment
    determine techniques that will be effective in detecting the location of various carious lesions
    determine techniques that will be effective in determining the extent of various carious lesions

  3. Identify the etiology and progression of caries
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written or Graphic Assessment
    explain how biofilm will histologically alter enamel and dentin
    determine the type(s) of bacteria found in biofilm in various stages of age and progression
    characterize types soft deposits; acquired pellicle, biofilm, material alba and how each will contribute demineralization and the progression of caries
    explain how removal of biofilm will slow or stop the development of caries

  4. Identify topical and systemic contributing factors to the caries process
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written or Graphic Assessment
    identify the systemic factors contributing to the development of caries
    explain how each systemic factor contributes to the development of caries
    identify topical factors contributing to the development of caries
    explain how each topical factor contributes to the development of caries

  5. Select professional and home care treatment modalities to address caries risk
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written or Graphic Assessment
    identify the systemic factors contributing to the development of caries
    explain how each systemic factor contributes to the development of caries
    identify topical factors contributing to the development of caries
    explain how each topical factor contributes to the development of caries

  6. Develop a dental hygiene treatment plan to diminish or minimize caries risk
    Assessment Strategies
    Treatment Plan
    interpret caries status by determining risk factors using a CAMBRA
    establish goals for diminishing or minimizing caries risk in a treatment plan
    propose professional care strategies in a treatment plan for reducing caries risk
    recommend home care strategies in a treatment plan for reducing caries risk

  7. Estimate results of caries treatment
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written or Graphic Assessment
    outline treatment goals
    determine the caries risk level of the patient
    describe recommended treatment
    predict the results if treatment plan is implemented
    predict the results if treatment plan fails to be implemented
    present conclusions about the effectiveness of the treatment
    propose follow-up treatment or maintenance time frame
    propose recommendations for change if the treatment fails to produce the desired results
    support your recommendations with relevant evidence