10504909Foundations of Policing
Course Information
Examines the roles and functions of police; includes police history and organization, and challenges and expectations within the field. Addresses police operations and critical issues such as technology, drug investigations and homeland security.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Examine the historical forms of policing and their influence on modern policing
    Assessment Strategies
    Exam, Written Product
    Explain the early forms of ensuring personal safety prior to the establishment of formal, organized police departments
    Describe how the English police experience helped shape the American criminal justice system and policing
    Outline the regional differences in American policing during the colonial period
    Outline the regional differences in American policing during the 18th and 19th centuries
    Explain how events from the 1960s and 1970s influenced American policing
    You identify at least four events or people instrumental in the development of American policing
    Explain the significance of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration

  2. Analyze the U.S. public security industry, including local, state, and federal law enforcement, and the international police
    Assessment Strategies
    Exam, Written Product
    Differentiate between local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies and their responsibilities, budgets, and personnel
    Describe the relationship between metropolitan, county, campus, and tribal law enforcement levels in immigration enforcement
    Identify recent changes in law enforcement caused by economic downturn and reduced budgets
    Summarize various organizational models of state law enforcement
    Describe the roles and responsibilities of federal law enforcement
    Describe the roles and responsibilities of international police

  3. Examine police department organization and management
    Assessment Strategies
    Exam, Written Product
    Identify the major managerial concepts used to organize a police department
    Define shared leadership
    Differentiate between sworn and non-sworn civilian police department members
    Explain the benefits of civilianization in policing
    Describe the pros and cons of organizing a law enforcement department by area
    Identify special problems in organizing police departments that operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
    Describe the pros and cons of organizing law enforcement by function or purpose

  4. Examine the process to become a police officer
    Assessment Strategies
    Exam, Written Product
    Identify tools and information related to jobs in law enforcement agencies
    Describe the standards in the police selection process
    Evaluate the pros and cons of requiring higher education for police officers
    Describe the police recruitment process and its challenges
    Explain the job analysis phase in the practice of police hiring
    Describe the characteristics of a good police officer
    Outline the typical selection process police departments use to identify and select police officers
    Examine the training process for new officers

  5. Illustrate the role of police and police discretion in the U.S.
    Assessment Strategies
    Exam, Written Product
    Distinguish between crime fighting and order maintenance
    Analyze the ambiguity of the police role, particularly in the aftermath of 9/11
    Identify the primary and secondary goals and objectives of policing
    Compare police operational styles and their impact on major goals and objectives of policing
    Explain factors that influence police discretion
    Summarize issues and policies surrounding police shootings and the use of deadly force
    Summarize the role of discrimination in use of force
    Describe the influence of public response to police shootings

  6. Characterize police culture, personality, and stress
    Assessment Strategies
    Exam, Written Product
    Explain how the police subculture results in the blue wall of silence
    Characterize the police personality and how it is expressed
    Analyze the levels of stress in policing
    Identify practices that police departments can implement to address stress exhibited by officers
    Identify causes of police suicide
    Examine the effects of officer suicide on an agency
    Describe occupational hazards to the the health and safety of police officers

  7. Examine the role of minority groups in U.S. police departments and the current status of minorities in U.S. law enforcement
    Assessment Strategies
    Exam, Written Product
    Identify various minority groups
    Describe the history of discrimination in policing
    Describe the role legislation and the federal government played in removing equal employment opportunity barriers to women and minorities in policing
    Describe the white male backlash resulting from the rise in affirmative action programs
    Summarize academic studies examining the performance of women and minorities in policing
    Describe current challenges faced by minorities in policing

  8. Analyze police deviance, corruption, and other misconduct
    Assessment Strategies
    Exam, Case Study
    Define ethics
    Describe the ethical dilemma within the law enforcement profession due to the use of discretion
    Explain methods used to review police actions
    Describe reasons for the different types of police corruption
    Describe forms of police misconduct such as drug related corruption, sleeping on duty, police deception, sex-related corruption, and domestic violence
    Define bias-based policing
    Examine the extent of police brutality
    Describe various responses to police corruption
    Analyze the issue of liability and the effects of lawsuits on police officers and police agencies

  9. Outline the components and methods of effective patrol operations
    Assessment Strategies
    Exam, Written Product
    Describe traditional methods of doing police work
    Describe the evolution of police patrol and activities involved in the patrol function
    Explain the challenges in evaluating the effectiveness of police work
    Describe the findings of the Kansas City patrol study
    Examine the issues of rapid response to 911 calls
    Discuss innovative ways to perform the patrol function
    Explore issues behind decisions and how to deploy personnel and resources on patrol
    Examine methods of resource allocation
    Describe alternative strategies in use to better combat certain types of crime
    Describe police traffic operations
    Discuss special operations used by departments around the U.S.

  10. Outline the components of effective investigations and tactics for detective operations
    Assessment Strategies
    Exam, Written Product
    Describe traditional detective operations and activities of a detective in a police agency
    Weigh alternatives to retroactive investigation of past crimes by detectives
    Explain the importance of crime analysis and information management
    Identify the components of a successful investigation
    Define proactive tactics
    Define undercover operations, including undercover drug operations
    Define entrapment and how it relates to police tactical and undercover operations

  11. Articulate the meaning of police-community relations and their importance to the safety and quality of life in a community
    Assessment Strategies
    Exam, Written Product
    Define human relations, public relations, and community relations
    Explain public attitudes regarding the police and efforts to improve perceptions
    Describe various minority populations and some of their issues regarding police interactions
    Discuss challenges various populations face when interacting with the police
    Evaluate innovative community crime prevention programs
    Describe trends in the police-business relationship

  12. Investigate the community policing strategy
    Assessment Strategies
    Exam, Written Product
    Describe current thinking about corporate strategies for policing, including strategic policing, community policing, and problem-solving policing
    Describe the philosophy of beginnings of current corporate strategies
    Describe the effects of community policing
    Identify successful examples of community policing and problem-oriented policing
    Explain how the federal government influences and supports community policing
    Weigh the pros and cons of community policing
    Relate community policing strategies to the fight against terror

  13. Explain the relationship between police and the law
    Assessment Strategies
    Exam, Case Study
    Describe how U.S. crime statistics are measured and analyzed
    Describe how the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Supreme Court regulate the actions of the police
    Summarize the changing philosophy of the U.S. Supreme Court
    Use case law to explore current standard police procedures in arrests
    Describe the state of current law regarding search and seizure
    Identify the requirements for a search warrant
    Discuss custodial interrogation and Miranda
    Explain the reliability of eyewitness identification and other identification procedures

  14. Investigate the use of technology, forensics, and criminalistics in policing
    Assessment Strategies
    Exam, Written Product
    Identify major uses of computers and controversies surrounding them in police departments today
    Explain the use of fingerprint technology in law enforcement
    Describe the use of less-than-lethal weapons in policing
    Describe how modern technology is used in police surveillance practices

  15. Describe federal, state, and local efforts for homeland security
    Assessment Strategies
    Exam, Written Product
    Compare international terrorism and domestic terrorism
    Explain proactive and reactive methods of investigating terrorism
    Map out the response of the U.S. government following the 9/11 terrorist attacks
    Contrast the benefits of security to civil liberties and individual freedoms granted under the U.S. Constitution