10462102Introduction to Logic & Troubleshooting
Course Information
This course is designed to improve the troubleshooting and problem solving skills of technicians. It includes an in depth look into the systematic approach to problem solving in which creative and critical thinking are required. The course also provides several tool and techniques to help generate ideas and make decisions on both an individual and group basis. Students will learn about interpreting Boolean logic, truth tables, and number systems. The course uses software simulations and labs to introduce relays and relay ladder logic.
Total Credits
Prior Learning Assessment
  • Experiential-Portfolio

Course Competencies
  1. Recognize the differences in the decision making process between novice and expert troubleshooters.
    Assessment Strategies
    Problem Solving Style - Written Product
    Distinguish between a trial-and-error approach (novice) and a 7-step or similar problem-solving or similar approaches (expert)

  2. Distinguish the role of boolean logic, truth tables, and numbering systems in troubleshooting.
    Assessment Strategies
    Identify binary, decimal and hexadecimal numbering system
    Perform basic unit conversion between binary, decimal and hexadecimal numbering systems
    Use Boolean logic and truth tables in basic programming logic in industrial systems

  3. Demonstrate a systematic approach to verifying and resolving faults, and verifying and documenting repairs.
    Assessment Strategies
    Skill Demonstration
    Use problem defining, data gathering, criteria evaluation of solutions, solution selection, action planning and evaluation

  4. Communicate effectively with customers, subordinates, peers, and supervisors to convey information needed to resolve faults and make repairs.
    Assessment Strategies
    Skill Demonstration
    Demonstrate written and verbal communication with internal and external customers to generate problem solutions
    Develop a problem statement that includes a target vs a current condition and no cause or solution

  5. Use Problem Solving and Decision Making tools to choose the best solution or make the best decision.
    Assessment Strategies
    Skill Demonstration
    Demonstrate the use of strategy to evaluate solutions
    Apply criteria of cost, safety, ease of implementation, or timing to choose one solution

  6. Apply problem solving techniques to a group situation.
    Assessment Strategies
    Drawing/Illustration, Written Product, Group Project
    Problem statementsĀ meet specifications as designated by instructor
    Cause and effect diagram meets specifications as identified by the instructor
    What Is/What Is Not matrix meets specifications as identified by the instructor
    Demonstrate effective use of consensus in a group exercise