10449100Safety for Industry
Course Information
This course reviews basic safety standards as outlined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Designed for workers going into industrial occupations, it focuses on the hazard recognition and control process. Those who successfully complete the requirements set forth by OSHA will receive an OSHA 10-Hour General Industry completion card. Students may still pass the class without earning an OSHA card.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Identify the appropriate OSHA General Industry standards needed for effective safety and health management of workplace hazards
    Assessment Strategies
    Exam, Journal Entry
    Locate the OSHA online resource for General Industry Standards and laws
    Identify a variety of hazards found at a typical industrial workplace (e.g., heights, fall protection, walking surfaces, electrical hazards, hazardous chemicals, etc.)
    Choose the correct standard for a given situation/scenario
    Exam score meets minimum expectations as specified by the instructor
    Attend the required minimum hours in order to earn the OSHA card (optional)

  2. Implement a hazard recognition and control process
    Assessment Strategies
    Exam, Project, Journal Entry
    Identify strategies to anticipate workplace hazards
    Recognize common safety and health hazards that may arise in the workplace
    Evaluate the need for intervention
    Identify prevention methods necessary to address safety and health hazards in the workplace
    Identify control methods necessary to address safety and health hazards in the workplace
    Journal Entries and Job Hazard Analysis project correctly apply the hazard recognition, prevention, and control process as it relates to a job task
    Project is organized and presents material in such a way that can be easily comprehended by the reader
    Project includes all the required elements as stated in the directions/instruction
    Project shows evidence of correct grammar, punctuation and spelling
    Exam score meets minimum expectations as specified by the instructor

  3. Examine inconsistencies in the application of workplace safety and health standards between workers of different racial, ethnic, and other identified groups
    Assessment Strategies
    Group Discussion
    You provide a response to the given reading
    You speak, offering ideas and asking questions of others
    You challenge the accuracy of statements made
    Comments are specific, relevant, and constructive
    You use the correct industry terminology
    You listen when others speak
    You describe how workplace safety impacts individuals from under-represented populations
    You examine the history of inequitable application of safety standards
    You prescribe changes in workplace safety management practices to support equity between different racial, ethnic, and other identified groups