10-307-110ECE: Soc S, Art, & Music
Course Information
This 3-credit course will focus on beginning level curriculum development in the specific integrated content areas of social studies, art, music, & movement (SSAMM) for children from birth to 8 years of age.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Incorporate Social Studies, Art, Music, & Movement (SSAMM) into daily routines
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written or Graphic Assessment
    incorporate SSAMM opportunities into transitions
    incorporate SSAMM opportunities into routines
    incorporate SSAMM opportunities into daily schedule
    incorporate SSAMM opportunities into verbal and nonverbal interactions

  2. Examine the critical role of play-based learning as it relates to SSAMM
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written or Graphic Assessment
    identify how hands-on, creative activities promote child development
    describe the teacher/care giver's role in facilitation of SSAMM play
    identify how SSAMM play opportunities foster development/learning in all domains across WI Model Early Learning Standards continuum
    identify how observational skills support assessment of and curriculum planning for SSAMM
    describe how children play across all age groups during SSAMM activities

  3. Establish a developmentally appropriate environment for SSAMM
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written or Graphic Assessment
    explain how the environment supports children's physical development
    explain how the environment supports children's social/emotional development
    explain how the environment supports children's language development
    explain how the environment supports approaches to learning
    explain how the environment supports children's cognitive development

  4. Create Social Studies learning experience plans that promote child development and learning
    Assessment Strategies
    Learning Experience Plan
    plan relates to the National Council for the Social Studies framework
    plan is relevant, meaningful, and appropriately challenging
    plan is developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate for the age group
    plan includes effective transitions
    plan incorporates the WMELS Framework
    plan reflects the Teaching Cycle

  5. Create Art learning experience plans that promote child development and learning
    Assessment Strategies
    Learning Experience Plan
    plan incorporate relevant developmental domains (physical, cognitive, language, social/emotional)
    plan is relevant, meaningful, and appropriately challenging
    plan is developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate for the age group
    plan includes effective transitions
    plan incorporates the WMELS Framework
    plan reflects the Teaching Cycle

  6. Create Music and Movement learning experience plans that promote child development and learning
    Assessment Strategies
    Learning Experience Plan
    plan is relevant, meaningful, and appropriately challenging
    plan is developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate for the age group
    plan includes effective transitions
    plan incorporates the WMELS Framework
    plan reflects the Teaching Cycle

  7. Integrate SSAMM learning experiences into an interdisciplinary unit
    Assessment Strategies
    Interdisciplinary Unit Plan
    plan includes multiple sequential learning experiences
    plan addresses all developmental domains
    plan includes experiences from the following areas: social studies, art, movement, and music
    plan meets all requirements for learning