10-307-108ECE: Early Language & Literacy
Course Information
This 3-credit course explores strategies to encourage the development of early language and literacy knowledge and skill building in children birth to 8 years of age.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Explain the concepts of early literacy developmental theory and practices for children
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, written or graphic assessment
    summarize position statements from professional organizations related to early literacy and dual language learning (NAEYC: Learning to Read and Write - Curriculum, Assessment and Program Evaluation - Screening and Assessment for Young English Learners and the Developmentally Appropriate Practice position statement.--4 position statements)
    summarize standards related to language development and early literacy (WMELS, Common Core English Language Arts, WiDA Early Language Development standards)
    summarize key concepts of developmentally appropriate practice and developmental theory to your curriculum

  2. Identify the role and progression of literacy skills in children
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, written or graphic assessment
    identify the components and progression of phonological (broad skill including identifying and manipulating units of oral language) and phonemic (individual sounds) awareness, alphabet knowledge, the sequence of writing development and concepts about print
    describe strategies to utilize a variety of approaches to help young children develop phonological awareness, alphabet knowledge and concepts about print, developmental writing skills and fine motor development
    identify the progression of the development in emergent literacy skills

  3. Demonstrate interactive reading strategies for children
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, Written and/or Skill Assessment
    identify the principles and benefits of interactive reading with children at different developmental stages
    explore the progression of shared and dialogic reading strategies as children develop from infants though age 8 and with individual, small and large groups of children
    apply strategies embedded in the dialogic approach to reading while reading to children out loud including a ‘cover walk’ or similar introduction, questions to engage children in the book, and reading with fluency and expression
    apply the components of the shared or dialogic reading strategy

  4. Integrate culturally responsive strategies to promote language and early literacy skills for all children
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, written or graphic assessment
    recognize differences in language and literacy acquisition across different ethnic, socioeconomic and family cultures
    identify the progression of oral language development (including listening, understanding, speaking and communication skills, phonology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics)
    examine language and literacy development practices that develop awareness, understanding, respect and a valuing of differences in our society (oral storytelling traditions, vocabulary building)
    outline strategies to support dual language learners
    describe methods to include families in their child's language and literacy development

  5. Assess the components of a literacy rich environment
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, written or graphic assessment
    identify resources to enhance language and literacy learning
    evaluate the quality of early childhood environments with the lens of language and literacy learning
    create a quality improvement action plan to enhance the literacy environment
    create materials to support emergent readers and writers (i.e., finger plays, puppets, flannel boards)

  6. Explain the interrelationship of language and literacy development
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, written or graphic assessment
    summarize how strong literacy skill is directly connected to a solid foundation of language and vocabulary.
    describe the relationship between hands-on play experiences and language development
    differentiate among emergent literacy, emergent reading, and emergent writing skills

  7. Create language and literacy learning experience plans that promote child development and learning for children
    Assessment Strategies
    Learning Experience Plan
    plan incorporate relevant developmental domains (physical, cognitive, language, social/emotional)
    plan is relevant, meaningful, and appropriately challenging
    plan is developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate for the age group
    plan includes effective transitions
    plan incorporates the WMELS Framework
    plan reflects the Teaching Cycle

  8. Investigate language and literacy resources for the field of early childhood education
    Assessment Strategies
    Oral, written or graphic assessment
    investigate what specific resources are being used in your community to support language and literacy learning (learning standards, curriculum, web resources)
    investigate the specific strategies being used in your community to support dual language learners and family engagement
    investigate what specific assessment tools are being used in your community to support language and literacy learning