10203125Business of Photography
Course Information
This course is designed to help students understand the basic principles of creating a photo business. Throughout the semester students will research and create their own business plans. Areas such as sales revenue forecast, marketing, overhead and capital spending plan will be explored.
Total Credits
Prior Learning Assessment
- Experiential-Portfolio
Course Competencies
Analyze common business structures and goals in the industryAssessment StrategiesWritten productCriteriaExplain the structure of a common photography businessExplain common goals of a photography businessAnalysis includes product lines, photographic services, and studio overhead
Create a mission statement and elevator speechAssessment StrategiesWritten product, oral presentationCriteriaMission statement includes why a business exists, overall goals, what kind of product or service the business provides, primary customers or market and geographical region of operation.Create a short description of a photography company that explains the business conceptElevator speech is less than 1 minuteElevator speech is concise, easy to understand and describes yourself and/or business and the services you offer
Assess your current expenses/overheadAssessment StrategiesChart of Studio Accounts Income/ExpensesCriteriaChart includes all of the current product services and possible future services (income)Chart includes all of the expenses that your studio incurs in a yearExplain the purpose of codes in an account overview of your product and services
Calculate cost of operation, cost of goods and profitAssessment StrategiesCost of Studio Operation Project, Fictitious Daily Receipt Record LogCriteriaRecord log includes date, customer name, amount received, product line, tax, cash, check, cash or credit cardUse credit card processing service for calculations and paymentsProject identifies a percentage for cost of goodsProject includes all income and expenses of a studio by monthAnalyze deductions allowable for business expenses such as phone, rent, or other overheadAnalyze a variety expenses related to business ownership, such as insuranceProject identifies a target salary per monthCalculations are accurate
Create a functional marketing concept to complement a successful businessAssessment StrategiesWritten ProductCriteriaMarketing plan identifies a product lineMarketing plan identifies potential buyers and existing product linesMarketing plan aligns product lines to potential buyersIdentify methods for marketing (direct mail, electronic media, social networking, displays, direct contact, phone calls)Describe the purpose and practices of a rep programDescribe the process of donating services as a marketing methodMap marketing methods to implementation calendar/timeline (by month)
Create a business plan with marketing elementsAssessment StrategiesWritten Product, PresentationCriteriaPlan includes:Company logo that represents the brand and colors (cover sheet)Mission StatementChart of Accounts (Income, Expenses)Wedding/Commercial Packages (If Applicable)Portrait Packages (If Applicable)Portrait Pricing Spreadsheet (w/cost of goods %)Product Lines SpreadsheetMonthly Income/Expense SpreadsheetCapital Expenditures SpreadsheetFive Year Projection SpreadsheetImplementation Calendars (Outline sheet and calendar for each product line)Final Cash Flow Business Spreadsheet