10201157Social Media Concepting
Course Information
Create content and campaigns for social media platforms. The focus will be idea based and will include writing, image making (illustration and photography), and video. Daily content, social media contests and ways to encourage user generated content will be covered.
Total Credits
Prior Learning Assessment
- Experiential-Portfolio
Course Competencies
Employ the use of a visual hybrid for a campaignAssessment StrategiesCritiquesProjectPresentationPencil sketches of mind mapsPencil sketches of hybrid ideasCriteriaInclude pencil sketches of hybrid ideasInclude pencil sketches of mind mapsCritiques are submitted in written form, and they analyze a range of visual stylesCreative method used is a visual hybridDesign includes a strong conceptual idea to engage social media usersDesign includes appropriate type and color choicesDesign work shows evidence of instructor feedback
Apply the use of hashtags and creative writingAssessment StrategiesProjectsCritiquesCriteriaHashtags are relevant for best exposure on the platformsCorrectly employ alt-text functions measured with listed best-practicesWritten captions are compelling and grammatically correctHeadline writing is compellingHeadline writing is completed for a variety of campaignsImage captions use correct spelling and grammarWriting shows evidence of instructor feedback and proof reading
Prepare images in Photoshop to the up-to-date social media size specificationsAssessment StrategiesProjectsCriteriaImage files are correctly sized to match the major social media platformsSource images are royalty free for photo-manipulationImages contain precise layer masksImages show evidence of blending modesImage sizes are accurately adjusted based on the new app functionalitiesDetermine when to use provided filters versus creating custom filters
Produce video campaigns for multiple platformsAssessment StrategiesProjectsWritten HashtagsCritiquesCriteriaStoryboard includes a minimum of 10 pencil sketchesCampaign shows evidence of effective concepting methods (exaggeration, hybrid, compare/contrast)Critique includes an analysis of at least two video campaigns and meets specifications as identified by the instructorUtilize the latest audio file trends and hashtags to increase visibility in the app’s algorithmsSource typefaces, gifs, filters, and images to enhance the concepts
Manage a social media account for the purposes of self-promotionAssessment StrategiesProjectsSocial Media AssetsCriteriaCreate a minimum of 20 posts for a social self-promotional social media feedUse effective, inclusive communication in the platform when collaborating with other users on the platformSocial media account contains a range of typographic explorationSocial media posts include a range of art style explorationPosts include written hashtags
Critique social media campaign designsAssessment StrategiesWritten CritiquesCriteriaWrite at least 8 critiquesCritique identifies strong typography in social media assetsCritique reviews a wide range of art stylesCritique includes a description of multiple conceptsCritique includes an evaluation of the accessibility of social media assetsWritten notes of critiques are submitted as specified by the instructor
Compile final assets and design presentation decksAssessment StrategiesProjectsPresentation-Ready .PDFsCriteriaCreate a presentation template in InDesignUse type formatting and stylesInclude preliminary sketches, in-progress work, and final design assetsCreate the .pdf document using specifications provided by the instructorFinal assets are packaged and saved in a compressed .zip file