10154190Linux Server 1
Course Information
Introduces Linux with a focus on command line system administration skills. Topics include navigating the filesystem, file and directory management, command execution, input/output redirection and pipes, shell scripts, configuring network services, file system security and troubleshooting.
Total Credits
Prior Learning Assessment
- Exam-College Developed Challenge Exam
Course Competencies
Manage files and directories on a Linux systemAssessment StrategiesHands-on lab project and evaluationCriteriaManage files and directories on a Linux system using basic commandsSecure information stored in the Linux file systemLaunch programs and manage corresponding software packagesUse systemctl to review and change the initialization process that starts a Linux-based computerShut down a Linux system using the system shutdown processDemonstrate how to get in and out of Linux rescue mode and what to use it for
Explore the Linux shell environmentAssessment StrategiesHands-on lab project and evaluationCriteriaUse a Linux shell environment to navigate the Linux server file systemCustomize settings in the shell environmentUse common text editors to create or modify text files
Manage file system security with Linux users and groupsAssessment StrategiesHands-on lab project and evaluationCriteriaCreate Linux user accountsModify properties of Linux user accountsRemove Linux user accountsAdd users to a Linux groupCustomize file system permissions using groups
Configure redundancy for data storageAssessment StrategiesHands-on lab project and evaluationCriteriaDiscuss ways to protect data and ensure minimum downtimeCheck the integrity of a Linux file systemDescribe how redundant disk systems can protect dataConfigure redundant disks on a Linux server
Monitor system resources and privilege useAssessment StrategiesHands-on lab project and evaluationCriteriaMonitor how processes use system resources (top, htop)Track physical and virtual memory usageUse system logs to troubleshoot hardware and software problemsUse system logs to monitor use of privilege in LinuxUse the kill command when needed (when standard methods do not work)Use privilege (su, sudo, root) only when neededSearch running processes for a given service and identify the pid(s)
Create basic shell scriptsAssessment StrategiesHands-on lab project and evaluationCriteriaCreate a shell script that prints customized output information to the screenConfigure your path to run scripts from a custom directoryWrite a shell script that uses variablesWrite a shell script that uses input to print customized output to a fileWrite a shell script that displays a simple menu and executes the options in the menuTroubleshoot problems with shell scripts by printing variable values to the screen and testing syntax at the command promptAutomate one-time and repetitive tasks using the "at" and "cron" utilities
Explore Linux compression and archive utilitiesAssessment StrategiesHands-on lab project and evaluationCriteriaUse tar to archive a set of filesUse compression utilities to reduce the size of a file and/or archive
Configure web, ftp, and ssh servicesAssessment StrategiesHands-on lab project and evaluationCriteriaInstall, configure and test a basic http server with a custom default pageInstall, configure and test a basic ftp server (vsftp)Install, configure and test a basic ssh serverUse systemctl commands to view the state and the status of each network serverTroubleshoot server functionality
Configure a basic Linux firewallAssessment StrategiesHands-on lab project and evaluationCriteriaInstall Linux ufw firewall softwareMonitor the configuration of the firewallConfigure the firewall to allow/deny the specified network services (http, vsftp, ssh) through the firewallTest and troubleshoot the firewall configurationUse systemctl to view the state of the firewall and turn it on and off as needed
Configure network settingsAssessment StrategiesHands-on lab project and evaluationCriteriaSet a static IP address, mask, gateway, and DNS server using a graphical tool (Network Manager)Set a static IP address, mask, gateway, and DNS server using a command line tool (nmcli)Bring the network interface up and down via the GUI and/or the command lineSet a static IP address, mask, gateway, and DNS server on a Ubuntu server using the 00-installer-config.yaml file and netplanUse ping, traceroute, nslookup, netstat, ip, addr, nmcli and other command line tools to troubleshoot network connectivityList key configuration files that contain network settings