10152143iPhone Apps Development
Course Information
Introduces programming simple iPhone applications using Cocoa and Objective C. Students will learn basic Objective C concepts, iPhone programming basics, and use the SDK environment on Apple Macintosh computers with OS X as a development platform. Design concepts and programming tools will be integrated with an emphasis on developing and deploying iPhone applications.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Use Objective-C Programming Language, including its basic syntax and use in iPhone OS app development.
    Assessment Strategies
    through inclass labs
    through projects
    through programming challenges
    you participate in lab teams.
    you complete projects with criteria to be determined between the student and instructor.
    you use given application specs to write applications for programming challenges.

  2. Use a Macintosh computer with Mac OS 10.6 or greater with the Xcode development environment.
    Assessment Strategies
    through inclass labs
    through projects
    through programming challenges
    you participate in lab teams.
    you complete projects with criteria to be determined between the student and instructor.
    you use given application specs to write applications for programming challenges.

  3. Create applications that run the iPhone OS.
    Assessment Strategies
    through inclass labs
    through projects
    through programming challenges
    you participate in lab teams.
    you complete projects with criteria to be determined between the student and instructor.
    you use given application specs to write applications for programming challenges.

  4. Customize a user interface (UI) using the Cocoa Touch class library.
    Assessment Strategies
    through inclass labs
    through projects
    through programming challenges
    you participate in lab teams.
    you complete projects with criteria to be determined between the student and instructor.
    you use given application specs to write applications for programming challenges.

  5. Construct UI with components such as T Views, Navigation Controllers, Tab Views, buttons, labels, and text fields.
    Assessment Strategies
    through inclass labs
    through projects
    through programming challenges
    you participate in lab teams.
    you complete projects with criteria to be determined between the student and instructor.
    you use given application specs to write applications for programming challenges.

  6. Interface an iPhone OS application with a web server and a RESTful web service using HTTP and JSON.
    Assessment Strategies
    through inclass labs
    through projects
    through programming challenges
    you participate in lab teams.
    you complete projects with criteria to be determined between the student and instructor.
    you use given application specs to write applications for programming challenges.

This Outline is under development.