10152142Web Development Using ASP.NET
Course Information
"Teaches students how to develop Microsoft ASP.NET applications that deliver dynamic content to the Web. As part of the class, students will create a web form with server controls, display dynamic data from various .NET data sources, write email and directory .NET components and learn to debug ASP.NET web pages.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Utilize latest documentation websites and software programs to gather relevant information
    Assessment Strategies
    by projects accomplished outside of class
    you operate MSDN library software program effectively
    you create at least 4 favorites in Internet Explorer with custom folders
    you utilize msdn.microsoft.com website to find specific topic information
    you utilize discussion board on Blackboard to communicate ideas and problem areas by posting at least once a week

  2. Utilize Microsoft Windows basic utilities
    Assessment Strategies
    by projects accomplished outside of class
    you utilize windows explorer setup
    you utilize windows explorer find utilities
    you utilize quickstart tutorials

  3. Create custom user controls and cascading style sheets including dynamic menuing capabilities
    Assessment Strategies
    by items on a written exam
    by projects accomplished outside of class
    you modify the appearance of a DataGrid control using templates
    you modify the appearance of a DataList control using template
    you modify the appearance of a Repeater control using templates
    you explain the various methods used to bind data to ASP.NET controls
    you demonstrate the binding of an array to various data controls
    you incorporate cascading style sheets into the web page
    you incorporate dynamic menuing capabilities within website

  4. Utilize ASP.NET Rich controls algorithmatically
    Assessment Strategies
    by items on a written exam
    by projects accomplished outside of class
    you explain how ASP.NET rich controls can enhance Web applications
    you read and display an XML data file using the XML controls
    you identify the format and structure of an XML document
    you create an XSLT stylesheet
    you create a rotating banner advertisement on the Web page using the AdRotator control
    you create an interactive calendar using the calendar control
    you create ASP.NET pages that allow them to upload a file to the Web server

  5. Demonstrate sending email thru a web application
    Assessment Strategies
    by items on a written exam
    by projects accomplished outside of class
    you send e-mail from a Web application
    you store and retrieve data from the Web server's file system
    you create and read files from an ASP.NET page

  6. Demonstrate creation and usage of cookies and session objects
    Assessment Strategies
    by items on a written exam
    by projects accomplished outside of class
    you maintain state in an ASP.NET application
    you create a Web page that maintains state without using HTTP cookies
    you identify the configuration files used in an ASP.NET application
    you create a Web page that maintains state using an HTTP cookie
    you implement the security methods used in ASP.NET

  7. Produce a multifaceted web application folder structure
    Assessment Strategies
    by items on a written exam
    by projects accomplished outside of class
    you utilize login capability with authentication
    you utilize file upload file with rules based support
    you create a user login Web page that uses forms-based authentication
    you utilize user control skeleton
    you utilize template file
    you utilize member signup with validation
    you utilize email capability with validation
    you utilize directory viewing using server-side .NET namespaces

  8. Demonstrate troubleshooting, debugging and deployment techniques
    Assessment Strategies
    by items on a written exam
    by projects accomplished outside of class
    you identify some ASP.NET common error status messages
    you deploy an ASP.NET Web application
    you use the exception object to identify the source of an error
    you use the Try..Catch..Finally to handle specific errors occurring in projects
    you use the Visual Studio. NET Debugger tool to identify application errors
    you document a Web site using the Code Comment Report wizard
    you use Page Output Caching to increase Web site performance