10152139Introduction to C and Objective C
Course Information
This is an introductory programming class in the C and Objective-C programming languages. The class seeks to teach important basic concepts about program development, organization, coding and testing. Students will write programs using the latest C and Objective-C development tools from Apple, Inc. The focus of the class is on the introduction to object oriented design issues and on attaining competence in the basic syntax and programming structures of the C and Objective-C languages.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Understand object-oriented programming concepts
    Assessment Strategies
    through creation of a project that meets specifications
    through written examination
    through lab exercises
    you define inheritance and polymorphism
    you create class and object
    you define and create a method
    you create a class
    you use overridden methods to effect polymorphism
    you declare class extensions to enforce data hiding
    you explain how polymorphism makes systems extensible and maintainable
    you determine an object's type at execution time
    you declare and implement Objective-C protocols

  2. Create an Objective-C application using object-oriented programming concepts
    Assessment Strategies
    through written examination
    by completing lab exercises
    by writing an application meeting specifications
    you define the terminology used in programming
    you create an Objective-C class
    you successfully compile the Objective-C class and run it
    you verify proper output results
    you start and end an application from the command line and from the Xcode development tool
    you write an method statement
    you close and open an existing solution
    you find and correct a syntax error

  3. Utilize variables, constants, and arithmetic operators in an application
    Assessment Strategies
    by creating a project that meets specifications
    through written examination
    by completing lab exercises
    Declare variables and named constants
    Assign data to an existing variable
    Convert data to the appropriate type
    Write arithmetic expressions
    Understand the scope and lifetime of variables and named constants
    Understand the purpose of the Option statements
    Explain the difference between syntax errors and logic errors
    Format an application’s numeric output

  4. Utilize selection structure, repetition structure and case selection in C and Objective-C applications.
    Assessment Strategies
    by creating an application that meets project specifications
    through written examination
    through lab exercises
    you include the selection structure in C and Objective-C code
    you write an If..Then..Else statement
    you write code that uses comparison operators and logical operators
    you create a variable having block scope
    you concatenate strings
    you change the case of a string
    you generate random numbers
    you code a Case selection structure
    you include a nested selection structure in C and Objective-C code
    you include a Case selection structure C and Objective-C code
    you include radio buttons in an interface
    you display a message on the command line
    you prevent the entry of unwanted characters from the command line
    you include the while loop in C and Objective-C code
    you write a while statement
    you initialize counters and accumulators
    you refresh the screen
    you delay program execution

  5. Create and utilize methods
    Assessment Strategies
    by creating a project that meets specifications
    through written examination
    by completing lab exercises
    you explain and define method
    you create a method
    you create methods that receives information passed to it
    you explain the difference between passing data by value and passing data by reference
    you explain the purpose of the sender and e parameters
    Enable and disable a control
    you utilize a timer control
    you convert an Object variable to a different type using casting

  6. Utilize C arrays and the NSArray class
    Assessment Strategies
    by completing lab exercises
    by creating a project that meets specifications
    through written examination
    your project declares and initializes a one-dimensional array
    your project stores data in a one-dimensional array
    your project displays the contents of a one-dimensional array
    your project codes a loop using the 'for in' statement
    your project accesses an element in a one-dimensional array
    your project searches a one-dimensional array
    your project computes the average of a one-dimensional array’s contents
    your project finds the highest entry in a one-dimensional array
    your project updates the contents of a one-dimensional array
    your project sorts a one-dimensional array
    your project creates and manipulates parallel one-dimensional arrays
    your project creates and initializes a two-dimensional array
    your project stores data in a two-dimensional array
    your project searches a two-dimensional array
    your project creates an array that is dynamically resizable (NSMutableArray)
    your project populates an NSArray and an NSMutableArray
    your project invokes arrayList methods

  7. Read and write information to a sequential access file
    Assessment Strategies
    by completing lab exercises
    by creating a project that meets specifications
    through written examination
    your project creates a C struct
    your project declares and uses a C struct variable
    your project creates an array of C struct variables
    your project writes information to a sequential access file
    your project aligns the text written to a sequential access file
    your project reads information from a sequential access file
    your project determines whether or not a file exists
    your project deletes a file while an application is running

  8. Instantiate and use basic class structures
    Assessment Strategies
    by completing lab exercises
    by creating a project that meets specifications
    through written examination
    your project defines a class
    your project instantiates an object from a class that you define
    your project adds @property declarations to a class
    your project includes data validation in a class
    your project creates class initialization methods
    your project includes methods in a class
    your project overloads the methods in a class
    your project creates a derived class using inheritance
    your project overrides a method in the base class
    your project refers to the base class using the 'super' keyword