10152130UIUX and Web Accessibility
Course Information
This course explores the fundamentals of user experience design (UX), user interface design (UX), and web accessibility. With a focus on user-centered design, students will conduct and analyze user research, build diagrams, and develop a working desktop prototype. Topics include design principles, UI evaluation techniques, design ethics, web inclusivity, and assistive technology. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are investigated and applied with a coded website. Students will have an opportunity to earn two digital badges: Teamwork and Web Accessibility Fundamentals.
Total Credits
Prior Learning Assessment
- Experiential-Portfolio
Course Competencies
Explore the User Experience (UX) design processAssessment StrategiesTeam projectExamCriteriaSummarize the business strategy and purposeIdentify target users, their goals, needs, and motivationsDocument each UX process by documenting business and user research, site map, user flow, and wireframe designCommunicate each process within a team environment
Interpret findings of user researchAssessment StrategiesTeam projectWritten document summarizing contextual inquiryDesign document illustrating card sort and persona researchCriteriaPerform contextual inquiry capturing and assessing unique user needsConduct a card sort and analysisCreate user personasAnalyze user goals and needs
Design mobile and desktop user interfaceAssessment StrategiesWritten productProjectPresentationCriteriaUse a heuristic evaluation to design a user interfaceChoose effective fonts, color, and imageryExplore common design patterns and standardsEstablish an information hierarchy in website layout and navigation system.Justify design choices and their impact on user experienceWeb designs present imagery and language that promote awareness of diverse identities
Evaluate user interface (UI) designAssessment StrategiesDiscussionPeer reviewsCriteriaCritique desktop and mobile interface designs using user interface (UI) heuristicsAnalyze user flow, visual design, and user expectationsCritique meets expectations as identified by instructor
Perform accessibility testsAssessment StrategiesLevel AA compliant website projectDiscussionAccessible HTML coding assignmentExamCriteriaDemonstrate compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)Explore disability types, website barriers, and legal and moral reasons for accessibility
Explore inclusion in digital design and codeAssessment StrategiesDiscussionAssignmentCriteriaIdentify website inclusivity required for a universal World Wide Web focusing on cultivating awareness and barriers to users with impairments or disabilities