10152102Advanced Visual Basic.NET
Course Information
The course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of object-oriented system development. It examines and uses the prewritten .NET Framework classes and explores the MSDN help facility. Topics include: collections, exception handling, interfaces and advanced development techniques such as XML and database programming using ADO.NET.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Create a Visual Basic Windows-based application using object-oriented programming concepts
    Assessment Strategies
    through written examination
    by completing lab exercises
    by writing an application meeting specifications
    your project
    Define what inheritance is and how it promotes software reusability
    Understand the notions of base classes and derived classes
    Use keyword Inherits to create a class that inherits attributes and behaviors from another class
    your project uses the access modifier Protected in a base class to give derived class methods access to base class members
    your project accesses base class members from a derived class with MyBase
    your project defines how constructors are used in inheritance hierarchies
    your project accesses the current object with Me and MyClass
    your project identifies methods of class Object-the direct or indirect base class of all classes in Visual Basic

  2. Utilize polymorphism
    Assessment Strategies
    through creation of a project that meets specifications
    through written examination
    through lab exercises
    your project definie what polymorphism is
    your project use overridden methods to effect polymorphism
    your project distinguish between abstract and concrete classes
    your project declare abstract methods to create abstract classes
    your project explain how polymorphism makes systems extensible and maintainable
    your project determine an object’s type at execution time
    your project declare and implement interfaces

  3. Use exception handling when appropriate so program can continue or terminate gracefully
    Assessment Strategies
    by creating a project that meets specifications
    through written examination
    by completing lab exercises
    your project defines what exceptions are and how they are handled
    you explain when to use exception handling
    your project convert data to the appropriate type using the TryParse method and the Convert class methods
    your project uses Try blocks to delimit code in which exceptions might occur
    your project uses Throw exceptions to indicate a problem
    your project uses Catch blocks to specify exception handlers
    you explain .NET exception class hierarchy
    you examine Exception properties
    your project creates user-defined exceptions
    you examine the VB .NET exception-handling model
    you explore the supplied Exception classes
    your project includes data validation code to methods
    you explore the debugging tool

  4. Utilize Data Access Classes and Persistence
    Assessment Strategies
    by creating an application that meets project specifications
    through written examination
    through lab exercises
    you explain how to make Objects Persistent
    you explain the purpose of a Data Access (DA) classes
    you design a DA Class
    you explore reasons for placing data storage and retrieval tasks in a DA class
    your project has a separate DA class written for each problem domain (PD) class
    your project uses Relational Databases with VB .NET
    your project uses Structured Query Language (SQL) within DA classes