10145123Leading Your Life with Emotional Intelligence
Course Information
Explore the history and research, as well as the different components of emotional intelligence that affect all aspects of your life. Learn how our emotions drive learning, decision-making, creativity, relationships and mental health. Develop strategies to help you build cooperative relationships, handle difficult situations, and create energy and enthusiasm to foster meaningful change in your personal and professional life. Create an action plan to improve and strengthen your emotional intelligence as well as experiment with techniques that facilitate working with others of varying emotional backgrounds and competency levels.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Examine the foundations of Emotional Intelligence (EI)
    Assessment Strategies
    Quiz, Written Product, Self-Assessment
    Analyze the research-based domains of emotional intelligence
    Explain the four foundational cornerstones of the EI philosophy
    Explain the importance of self-awareness and social awareness in fostering meaningful change
    Differentiate between recognition and regulation
    Determine what makes an accurate self-assessment

  2. Identify ways in which emotions work for or against a goal (self-awareness)
    Assessment Strategies
    Written Product
    Use body language and facial expressions to improve communication and self-confidence
    Recognize catastrophizing or negative thoughts
    Challenge negative thoughts by finding evidence against them
    Recognize the power of emotions and direct them in a way that is beneficial toward a goal

  3. Identify the purpose of regulation in controlling emotions (self-management)
    Assessment Strategies
    Trigger Chart, Action Plan
    Relate habits (self-talk, smiling, laughing) to successfully managing emotions
    Illustrate how the amygdala works and its relationship to personal emotional hijacks
    Identify triggers and create plan of action to deal with them
    Identify tools to assist in controlling negative or fearful emotions
    Change how your brain processes situations

  4. Devise strategies that will proactively shape your emotional reactions
    Assessment Strategies
    Scenario, Written Product
    Use a decision making process
    Analyze how the brain influences emotional habits
    Explain how a positive outlook influences decisions
    Recognize catastrophizing or negative thoughts

  5. Recognize the viewpoint of others (social awareness)
    Assessment Strategies
    Case Study, Presentation
    Describe how body language and facial expressions affect relationships
    Describe the brain science supporting empathy and how it positively affects behavior
    Identify and eliminate empathy (perspective) gaps
    Explain the downsides and limitations of empathy

  6. Describe the value of giving and receiving feedback in order to improve relationships (relationship management)
    Assessment Strategies
    Self-Assessment, Outside Interview
    Balance empathy and emotional self-control to manage emotions and deliver difficult feedback
    Develop trust through interpersonal understanding and compassion
    Seek specific feedback to improve learning and relationships

  7. Demonstrate strategies to cultivate cooperative relationships and teamwork
    Assessment Strategies
    Role Play, Scenario
    Work cooperatively to support common goals
    Recognize your bias and emotions as they happen
    Identify your general tendencies for responding to people and situations
    Respond appropriately to positively impact the relationship
    Contribute to group with ideas, suggestions, and effort
    Complete own share of tasks necessary to complete a project
    Empower team members by active listening and validating other’s contributions

  8. Demonstrate skills to handle difficult situations and manage conflict
    Assessment Strategies
    Role Play, Scenario
    You recognize your bias and emotions as they happen
    You empathize with your counterpart
    You describe the perspective of your counterpart
    You rationalize why your counterpart behaves/speaks in the manner presented
    Your response diffuses the conflict
    Your response promotes completion of work and doesn’t block progress
    You use self-control
    You use eye contact
    Differentiate between the types of conflict (personality, task, process, competition)
    Identify shared goals between you and your counterpart

  9. Create an action plan to improve targeted areas of emotional intelligence
    Assessment Strategies
    Written Product
    Plan includes at least one goal with associated milestones and action steps
    Plan identifies key people to help
    Plan includes a list of resources needed
    Plan includes a timeline
    Apply changes in behavior based on insights learned from the action plan