10110160Employment Law-Paralegal
Course Information
Students analyze federal and state laws governing employment relationships, job discrimination, sexual harassment, workplace privacy, labor standards, and human resource management. 
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Distinguish among the various forms of employment relationships
    Assessment Strategies
    Exams, Written Assignments, Discussions
    Distinguish employees from independent contractors
    Analyze the employer-employee relationship
    Distinguish among the types of authority of agents
    Define employment at will
    Explain components of a valid employment contract

  2. Identify legal issues that arise in employment relationships
    Assessment Strategies
    Exams, Written Assignments, Discussions
    Identify duties of employers and employees
    Determine when an employee’s actions occur within the scope of employment
    Identify actions of employees that could lead to vicarious liability for employers
    Explain limitations of noncompete and nondisclosure provisions

  3. Explain the purpose, affect, and application of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
    Assessment Strategies
    Exams, Written Assignments, Discussions
    Analyze landmark Title VII case law
    Distinguish between disparate impact and disparate treatment
    Define business necessity and job relatedness
    Define pretext
    Identify the exemptions to Title VII protections
    Explain the function of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
    Explain the role of affirmative action in accomplishing Title VII goals
    Develop an understanding of the socio-historical understanding of inequalities and under representation

  4. Analyze causes of action under Title VII
    Assessment Strategies
    Exams, Written Assignments, Discussions
    Detail the process a Title VII case follows through the EEOC system
    Define discrimination
    Define harassment
    Define bona fide occupational qualification
    Outline the requirements for a cause of action based on race discrimination
    Outline the requirements for a cause of action based on gender discrimination
    Outline the requirements for a cause of action based on religious discrimination
    Outline the requirements for a cause of action based on sexual harassment
    Define hostile work environment
    Define quid pro quo harassment
    Describe how national origin discrimination differs from discrimination based on race
    Detail the procedure by which a Title VII case proceeds through the EEOC enforcement system
    Analyze contemporary and historical systems that reproduce inequalities

  5. Describe areas of employment law that fall outside of Title VII
    Assessment Strategies
    Exams, Written Assignments, Discussions
    Explain the application of the Family Medical Leave Act
    Define serious health condition
    Describe the extent to which sexual orientation discrimination is a basis for a cause of action
    Describe the purpose of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act
    Analyze the effectiveness of fetal protection policies
    Identify violations of the Equal Pay Act
    Describe the limits of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act
    Outline the duties of employers under the Americans with Disabilities Act
    Define reasonable accommodation

  6. Analyze hiring practices to distinguish between lawful and illegal actions and inquiries
    Assessment Strategies
    Exams, Written Assignments, Discussions
    Identify permissible hiring practices and inquiries
    Detect unlawful and discriminatory hiring practices
    Distinguish between job relatedness questions and unlawful inquiries
    Describe the liability of an employer for negligent hiring
    Distinguish between lawful employment testing and testing that is legally impermissible
    Analyze employer policies to identify unlawful requirements
    Draft employment policies that reflect knowledge and implementation of federal and state employment laws to avoid discrimination or harassment of those from different cultures, races, ethnic origins, religions, and genders
    Draft employment policies that include workplace expectations for customer service, employee relationships, and acceptable workplace behavior that focus on awareness of cultural identity and cultivate inclusivity
    Draft employment policies that avoid stereotyping and assumptions related to race, gender, class, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and disability