10110108E-Discovery and Digital Tools
Course Information
This course provides an introduction to litigation software programs which are being used in law offices, corporations, and government law departments nationwide. Two main types of software are used for instruction: (1) case management software which is used to organize various aspects of a lawsuit including events, parties, witnesses, issues, and research; and (2) E-Discovery software utilized for document review and coding. Hypothetical litigation scenarios will be used to simulate actual pretrial E-Discovery exercises.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Assess how case management software is used to organize litigation
    Assessment Strategies
    Case study
    Use of NITA case Love v. Regency
    Use deposition transcripts to complete the following electronic spreadsheets: 1) witnesses and Parties in the lawsuit, and 2) a chronology of relevant facts and dates
    Identify and articulate issues for successful litigation on behalf of Plaintiff
    Research trademark infringement cases in Wisconsin; put cases and statutes into an electronic spreadsheet
    Prepare and generate PDF reports of law, facts and parties to support individual issues

  2. Use case management software to create visual evidence to be used at trial
    Assessment Strategies
    Written product (PDF chart)
    PowerPoint presentation of timeline of critical litigation events
    Prepare list of events for each relevant issue
    Use tools in case management software and PowerPoint to refine content of each slide/fact
    Print out PDF to be used as tangible exhibit in court
    Format PowerPoint and preview of live presentation of slides
    Prepare a “script” to be used during PowerPoint presentation

  3. E-Discovery Overview and uUse E-Discovery software
    Assessment Strategies
    Quiz (score of 70% or better)
    In-class presentation of E-Discovery platform and software
    Skill demonstration
    Presentation includes a demonstration of the E-Discovery Platform
    You clarify how Federal Rules impact how electronically stored information (ESI) is handled during discovery
    You use given Enron case documents
    You use PowerPoint
    You review, navigate, code, redact, and de-duplicate documents

  4. Document Management Program
    Assessment Strategies
    Written Product
    Code and bulk tag non-responsive URLs and Email addresses
    Highlight key terms
    Search for documents for discovery production based on memo from supervising attorney to paralegal staff
    Search by date and custodian, key words, document type, and date
    Generate PDFs of search results

  5. Use Case Management software to work with electronically stored documents
    Assessment Strategies
    Written Product
    Navigate program task panes
    Find documents using key word searches; date searches; combined criteria searches
    Complete reports of search results using software wizard
    Redact and print copies of original documents to be produced to opponents in lawsuit
    Generate report of document searches according to instructor specifications