10109169Travel Planning
Course Information
Introduction to the operation of a travel department. Provides research into a variety of destinations, planning detailed itineraries and negotiating with travel suppliers.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Demonstrate professional standards in the work place
    Assessment Strategies
    by demonstrating professionalism in the work place
    you come to work on time
    you dress appropriately
    you display appropriate mannerisms
    you utilize appropriate language

  2. Demonstrate customer service standards
    Assessment Strategies
    by demonstrating customer service standards in the work place
    you demonstrate effective listening skills
    you demonstrate eye contact
    you demonstrate appropriate vocabulary skills
    you demonstrate appropriate demeanor with customers
    you demonstrate appropriate demeanor with travel suppliers

  3. Demonstrate the utilization of travel resource materials
    Assessment Strategies
    by demonstrating the utilization of travel resources in the work place
    you select appropriate travel resource material
    you examine resource material to solve customer questions
    you present appropriate resource material to customer

  4. Complete a group travel package
    Assessment Strategies
    by the completion of a group travel package
    you negotiate with a variety of appropriate vendors
    you select the appropriate package from competing vendors
    you receive the appropriate written contract
    you agree to the appropriate deposit schedule
    you agree to the appropriate cancellation penalties

  5. Demonstrate the logistics of a group travel sale
    Assessment Strategies
    by demonstrating travel logistics in the work place
    you assist the customer in the final destination decision making
    you assist the customer with travel dates
    you assist the customer with trip duration
    you assist the customer with budget considerations
    you assist the customer with necessary travel documents
    you assist the customer with payment options
    you provide appropriate travel information to the travel agent for booking
    you notify the customer that travel documents are finished
    you deliver the travel documents to the customer
    you receive the appropriate signatures of each member of the group indicating delivery
    you complete the entire procedure in a timely manner