10109116Fundamentals of Green Meetings
Course Information
Students explore core strategies and principles in planning a sustainable meeting.  This course provides a solid foundation of what is a green meeting, commonly used terminology and resources, and how to execute a socially responsible and environmentally responsible meeting or event.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Incorporate sustainable practices into meeting and event decision-making
    Assessment Strategies
    Written product
    Identify a negative environmental effect of  the meeting industry (bottled water)
    Develop a strategy to decrease a meeting’s impact on the environment
    Strategy is feasible and based on logic and research
    Relate sustainable meeting practices to employee performance
    Project presents an organizational structure suited to purpose and audience
    Project meets minimum standards for spelling, punctuation, and grammar

  2. Use green meeting terminology
    Assessment Strategies
    Terminology choice is correct and matches intended meaning
    You meet the minimum score on the MeetGreen assessment

  3. Explore green meeting technologies and resources available to meeting professionals
    Assessment Strategies
    Written product
    Use green meeting terminology
    Identify at least 2 environmentally-friendly mobile apps used in the meeting industry
    Describe the main features of the apps identified
    Recommend strategies to incorporate green meeting apps into a meeting or event

  4. Predict the environmental impact of a meeting in a city of your choice
    Assessment Strategies
    Written product
    Use green meeting terminology
    Identify local recycling, composting, and utility programs in a city of your choice
    Identify concerns or points of confusion about the programs
    Analyze where waste occurs in your meeting process
    Determine how a meeting in the city will impact the programs
    Project presents an organizational structure suited to purpose and audience
    Project meets minimum standards for spelling, punctuation, and grammar

  5. Recommend meeting management strategies to reduce carbon footprints
    Assessment Strategies
    Use green meeting terminology
    Document your activities (such as driving a car, using electricity, and disposing of waste) over a 2-3 day period
    Calculate your local carbon footprint
    Compare your local carbon footprint to the national average
    Create two meeting strategies that leave smaller carbon footprints
    Consider waste generated
    Select sustainable resources when available
    Suggest a meeting strategy that can be  communicated to attendees to reduce their carbon footprint
    Report presents an organizational structure suited to purpose and audience
    Report meets minimum standards for spelling, punctuation, and grammar

  6. Compare two Corporate Social Responsibility programs
    Assessment Strategies
    Use green meeting terminology
    Identify two CSR programs
    Examine essential characteristics of both programs
    Identify similarities and differences among the two programs

  7. Analyze the impact of sustainability practices in an organization
    Assessment Strategies
    Written product
    Use green meeting terminology
    Examine the roles of staff and vendors in partner engagement practices
    Summarize the environmental impact of staff and vendors at a given event
    Identify indicators used to measure staff and vendor impact on an event
    Compare bottom-line costs of sustainable and non-sustainable event practices
    Compare benefits of environmentally sound practices in the staff and event vendor relationship

  8. Plan a green meeting
    Assessment Strategies
    Written product
    Meeting includes food and  beverages
    Consider waste generated
    Select sustainable resources when available
    Use natural resources (air, water, energy) responsibly
    Apply the reduce, reuse, recycle philosophy
    Make efficient use of energy
    Consider the ability to buy local
    Recycle unused or used materials
    Food and beverages are purchased in a manner to reduce excess packaging
    Food  is disposed of in compost
    Food is purchased from local providers to minimize energy used for transportation and shipping
    Maximize use of raw food resources and minimize the use of processed foods
    Minimize refrigeration and food storage expenses to reduce energy consumption
    Plan for just-in-time delivery of perishable goods
    Plan presents an organizational structure suited to purpose and audience
    Plan meets minimum standards for spelling, punctuation, and grammar