10109106Programming & Community Events in Fitness, Recreation, & Wellness
Course Information
This course provides practical knowledge and experiences on the essential elements and design concepts of program planning. Emphasis is placed on student involvement in planning and directing programs for diverse populations in a variety of physical settings.
Total Credits
Course Competencies
Develop a recreation or travel program outlineAssessment Strategiesin the production of an outlineCriteriaoutline contains accessible resourcesoutline contains specific marketing strategyoutline includes the identification of the target marketoutline meets course writing requirements
Create advertising and promotional materialsAssessment Strategiesin the production of an advertising promotional pieceCriteriaadvertising piece has consistent look or themeadvertising piece has a " hook"advertising piece has no spelling or grammar errorsadvertising piece has a "call to action"advertising piece has a minimum of hand-written letteringadvertising piece has appropriate graphicsadvertising piece is clear, concise, and uncluttered
Produce a documentary of the programming processAssessment Strategiesby producing a documentary video or picture scrapbookCriteriavideo or scrapbook includes the documentation of all parts of the planning processvideo or scrapbook is in chronological ordervideo or scrapbook includes the demonstration of the proper photography techniquescrapbook pictures are properly labeledscrapbook has visually appealing title pagevideo has appropriate introductory segment
Plan itineraries and schedules by referring to destination schedulesAssessment Strategiesby producing a trip scheduleCriteriatrip schedule is accuratetrip schedule includes a starting and ending timetrip schedule includes a list of proper equipment and suppliestrip schedule includes a list of activities
Sell Leisure services using a variety of promotional techniquesAssessment StrategiesBy attaining break-even-point salesCriteriayou use sales promotion to achieve their break-even- point.you use personal selling to achieve their break-even- pointyou use advertising to achieve their break-even-pointyou use publicity to achieve their break-even-pointyou use direct sales to achieve their break-even-point
Plan a program using a Program Review Evaluation Techniques.Assessment Strategiesby creating a PERTCriteriaPERT contains a minimum of twelve tasksPERT includes a detailed time linePERT has a reasonable time linePERT contains all necessary steps
Implement a ProgramAssessment Strategiesby implementing a programCriteriaProgram includes a starting and ending timeProgram includes a list of proper equipment and suppliesProgram leaders provide introductionProgram leaders smileProgram follows risk management plan
Evaluate a program using a customer surveyAssessment Strategiesby completing, tallying, and evaluating a customer surveyCriteriaCustomer survey has a minimum of seven questions or statements.Customer survey includes the use of a five point scaleCustomer survey includes a measurement of all important aspects of the programCustomer survey includes clear directions.Customer survey includes a thank you for the customer's participationCustomer survey has area for general comments