10106101Introduction to Keyboarding
Course Information
Learn computer keyboarding (alphabetic and numeric keypad), develop speed and accuracy.
Total Credits
Prior Learning Assessment
  • Exam-College Developed Challenge Exam

Course Competencies
  1. Demonstrate proper keying technique
    Assessment Strategies
    using proper keyboarding technique in the classroom with instructor observing
    by completing a personal evaluation of keyboarding technique (online students)
    you identify correct keying technique as described in keyboarding books
    you demonstrate correct keying technique as described in keyboarding books

  2. Key alphabetic material
    Assessment Strategies
    by completing textbook lessons using drills, practices, and timings
    by keying at least two timed writings for three minutes with six errors or less
    you key alphabetic, straight-copy text by touch using correct keyboarding technique
    you key for three minutes with six errors or less graded according to the following scale on words per minute: A=25+, AB=23-24, B=20-22, BC=18-19, C=15-17, D=10-14, F=

  3. Key numbers and symbols
    Assessment Strategies
    by completing textbook top-row number drills, practices and timings
    by completing textbook symbol drills, practices and timings
    by completing textbook numeric keypad drills, practices and timings
    you key material using correct reaches to top-row numbers and symbols
    you use numeric keypad to enter numbers by touch