10070105Electricity 1
Course Information
This class begins with a discussion of the laws of electricity as they relate to the operation of the charging, starting and lighting systems. Diagnostic testing and troubleshooting will be demonstrated on alternators, starters and lighting systems. Methods of repair will be demonstrated where methods are currently used at the dealerships.
Total Credits

Course Competencies
  1. Demonstrate safe work habits when working on tractor and vehicle electrical systems
    Assessment Strategies
    written objective examination
    simulated work environment
    examination includes answers to questions describing the importance of safety when working on tractor and equipment electrical systems
    you assume responsibility when working on tractors and equipment electrical systems
    you comply with all personal and environmental safety practices associated with eye protection
    you comply with all personal and environmental safety practices associated with hand tools
    you comply with all personal and environmental safety practices associated with power equipment
    you comply with all personal and environmental safety practices associated with proper ventilation
    you comply with all personal and environmental safety practices associated with the handling of chemicals/materials in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations
    you comply with all personal and environmental safety practices associated with the storage of chemicals/materials in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations
    you comply with all personal and environmental safety practices associated with the disposal of chemicals/materials in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations

  2. Explain fundamental electrical/electronic system principles
    Assessment Strategies
    written objective examination
    by submitting a mind map explaining fundamental electrical/electronic principles
    Examination includes answers to questions regarding fundamental electrical/electronic principles
    Mind map includes a brief description of the basics of electron flow.
    Mind map includes a definition of a conductor, insulator, and semiconductor
    Mind map includes a definition of electricity
    Mind map includes a definition of voltage
    Mind map includes a definition of current
    Mind map includes a definition of resistance
    Mind map includes a definition of voltage drop and its effect on a circuit
    Mind map includes a definition of Ohm's Law
    Mind map includes a definition of electrical power
    Mind map includes only relevant and necessary details
    Mind map is concise without being sketchy
    Mind map evidences correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling
    Mind map is typed and organized into proper principles

  3. Demonstrate proficient use of a multi-meter (DVOM, DMM) to measure voltage, amperage, and resistance
    Assessment Strategies
    by replacing the multimeter battery
    by testing and replacing the multimeter fuses
    worksheet - metric conversion for electrical quantities
    by performing voltage and resistance measurements on a tractor/equipment electrical circuit worksheets
    worksheets - Preliminary Electrical System Checks
    you recognize safety precautions to be observed while using the multimeter
    you recognize when multimeter battery has failed
    you test multimeter fuses
    you replace mutilmeter fuses if needed
    you assume responsibility in the use of the multimeter
    you conform to proper multimeter etiquette
    you explain the different functions of a mutlimeter
    you explain the proper usage of a multimeter for measuring voltage, current, and resistance
    you identify metric prefixes and abbreviations for measuring voltage, current, and resistance
    Worksheet includes answers for converting to actual values and using a prefix
    Worksheet includes description of equipment being tested
    you verify the correct operation of any components you had disconnected from the circuit
    you measure availible voltages with key off and engine off
    you measure available voltages with key on and engine off and all accessories off
    you utilize the Min/Max feature of multimeter to measure cranking voltage at the batteries
    you compare voltage measurements at the alternator and dash gauge reading with engine running
    you provide a recommendation of any repairs needed

  4. Investigate series, parallel, and series-parallel circuit laws and circuit faults
    Assessment Strategies
    by submitting a mind map of the laws for series, parallel, and series-parallel circuits
    by submitting a mind map identifying and defining 3 circuit faults
    worksheet - Predict Changes in Voltage, Current, and Resistance in a Circuit
    Mind map includes characteristics of a series circuit
    Mind map includes characteristics of a parallel circuit
    Mind map includes characteristics of a series-parallel circuit
    Mind map includes circuit fault name, definition, and at least two examples of each fault
    Mind map includes only relevant and necessary details
    Mind map is concise without being sketchy
    Mind map evidences correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling
    Mind map is typed and organized into proper principles
    Worksheet questions are all answered
    Worksheet has 24 of the 30 questions answered correctly

  5. Identify basic types of electrical system parts and components
    Assessment Strategies
    lab identification exam -minimum of 80% score
    given reference schematics, diagrams, components, and technical manuals
    you identify the basic types of electrical and lighting systems used on tractors and self propelled vehicles
    you identify different types of electrical parts and components

  6. Diagnose opens, shorts, grounds, and high resistance in a circuit

  7. Correlate electrical/electronic system principles and Ohm's Law to electrical circuits
    Assessment Strategies
    worksheets - Ohm's Law
    packet - Electrical/Electronic Modules; using training boards
    Worksheet includes calculations for voltage, amperage, and resistance using Ohm's Law
    Worksheet includes calculations for Watt's, H.P., and other simple electrical/electronic equations
    Worksheet answers solve for the missing element in the circuit
    Worksheet answers are properly labeled
    Worksheet questions are all answered

  8. Maintain electrical/electronic system terminals, connectors, wire, and cable
    Assessment Strategies
    worksheet - wiring harness
    skill demonstration - battery cable replacement
    worksheet - soldering repair
    you follow all personal and environmental safety procedures
    Wire harness includes proper length wire
    Wire harness includes the correct selection of terminals for the gage (size) of wire
    Wire harness includes the correct gage (size) of wire
    Wire harness includes the correct amount of insulation stripped from wire
    Wire harness includes heat shrink where necessary
    Wire harness includes proper crimping of terminals to wire
    Wire harness withstands strength test
    Wire harness includes the proper type of protective loom
    Battery cable selection is the correct gage (size) for circuit requirements
    Battery cable selection is the correct length
    Battery cable has the proper amount of insulation removed
    Battery cable terminals are orientated before they are crimped
    Battery cable terminals are correct for the gage (size) of cable
    Battery cable terminals are correct diameter for their connection points
    Battery cable terminals are crimped using the correct crimping dies
    Battery cable has solder applied to inside of both terminal ends
    Battery cable includes adequate amount of heat shrink
    Battery cable includes heat shrink that has not been overheated
    Soldering repair includes the removal of the damaged selection of wire
    Soldering repair includes the placement of the correct size and length of heat shrink over the two ends of the wire
    Soldering repair includes a small overlap of the two splice ends
    Soldering repair includes a splice clip if needed
    Soldering repair includes the correct amount of insulation removed from the wire
    Soldering repair includes a uniform amount of solder applied to the joint
    Soldering repair includes heat shrink over the splice joint
    Soldering repair includes heat shrink that has not been overheated

  9. Summarize the function and operation of battery, starting, and charging system parts and components
    Assessment Strategies
    written objective exam
    Examination includes a summary of the function of batteries
    Examination includes a summary of the function of charging system parts and components
    Examination includes a summary of the function of starting system parts and components
    Examination includes a summary of the operation of batteries
    Examination includes a summary of the operation of charging system parts and components
    Examination includes a summary of the operation of starting system parts and components

  10. Interpret electrical system diagrams and flow charts
    Assessment Strategies
    written exam using wiring diagrams and charts
    worksheets - electrical/electronic symbols
    Delco Remy starting system diagram
    skill demonstration - tracing current flow through an electrical/electronic circuit on schematics or diagrams
    you select the appropriate diagrams and charts for the assigned piece of equipment
    you interpret the electrical wiring diagram and flow chart
    you diagnose electrical system problem on piece of equipment
    Worksheet identifies the shown schematic symbol by name
    Worksheet includes additional means of showing a particular symbol
    you located the component that is represented by the symbol on a piece of equipment
    Worksheet includes a brief description of the function and operation of the component as it relates to circuit operation
    Worksheet includes identification of sub circuits within starting system
    Worksheet includes sub circuits properly color coded
    you verbally describe to the instructor, the proper operation of the circuit starting at the battery and ending at the starter motor
    you interpret electrical/electronic symbols
    you color code each specific circuit using different colors for different scenarios

  11. Perform maintenance and service on tractor and equipment battery systems
    Assessment Strategies
    worksheets - Battery Inspection and Testing
    you demonstrate all safety precautions and rules associated with servicing a battery
    you include battery specifications
    you perform a visual inspection and description of the general appearance of the battery, cables, terminals, hold-downs, and boxes
    you check the tightness of the cables at both ends and describe the condition
    you include a battery leakage test
    you record meter readings and an explanation of what is indicated by the readings
    you perform a battery voltage test
    you record meter readings and summarize the condition of the battery based upon the visual inspection and test
    Worksheets are filled out in order and are complete
    you describe the equipment being worked on
    you record battery specifications
    you remove, clean, and replace batteries in a single and multiple battery system
    you perform a battery state of charge test using a refractometer and determine the specific gravity of each cell
    you compare cell readings to determine if a load test should be performed
    you determine the correct load to be placed on battery
    you perform battery capacity (load, high discharge) test and determine needed service
    you perform a three-minute charge test if battery failed load test
    you make recommendations on battery condition and reusability
    you determine correct procedures for disposal of batteries and battery electrolyte
    you clean, repair, and replace battery cables and connectors
    you charge battery using slow and/or fast method on single battery, multiple batteries, series hookup, and/or parallel hookup
    you clean, repair, and replace battery boxes, mounts, and hold downs
    you jump start a vehicle using jumper cables and a booster pack or auxiliary power unit
    you select the correct batteries and install them in equipment or vehicle
    you connect battery(s) according to your battery arrangement diagram
    you verify correct battery performance while in equipment or vehicle
    Battery Inspection and Testing worksheets are filled out in order and are complete
    Battery Inspection and Testing worksheets are neat and clean

  12. Diagnose, service, and repair starting systems
    Assessment Strategies
    simulated work environment
    given tools and equipment
    skill demonstration given a tractor or vehicle with an electric starting system
    written exam -minimum of 80% score
    you select the correct tools and equipment
    you follow personal safety practices
    you diagnose the tractor or vehicle starting system
    you service the tractor or vehicle starting system
    you repair the tractor or vehicle starting system
    you test and check starter relays and switches
    the starting system performs according to manufacturer's specifications

This Outline is under development.