10007136Laboratory Math for Biotechnology
Course Information
This course introduces mathematical tools that are used in the biotechnology laboratory. Students apply mathematical concepts to solve problems such as calculating amounts of chemicals required to make solutions, graphing and interpreting data, and calibrating instruments. Basic statistical concepts may also be introduced.
Total Credits
Course Competencies
Use exponents and scientific notationAssessment StrategiesWritten product, quiz, and/or examCriteriaPerform basic calculations using exponentsExpress numbers in scientific notationConvert numbers between scientific and standard notationAdd, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers in scientific notation format
Convert between units of measurementAssessment StrategiesWritten product, quiz, and/or examCriteriaConvert between metric units using unit cancellation methodConvert between metric units using ratios and proportions methodDescribe the meaning of significant figures as related to measurements in the laboratory
Perform calculations for solution preparationAssessment StrategiesWritten product, quiz, and/or examCriteriaPerform Molarity calculationsPerform weight/volume and density calculationsPerform percent solution calculationsPerform ppm calculationsInter-convert solution concentrations expressed in Molarity, weight/volume, percent (w/v), percent (v/v), ppm
Perform dilution calculationsAssessment StrategiesWritten product, quiz, and/or examCriteriaPrepare dilutions of a particular volumeDetermine the concentration of a solution following dilutionDetermine the concentration of a stock solution from a dilutionPerform calculations involving serial dilutionsCorrectly apply the C1V1 = C2V2 equation
Graph linear equationsAssessment StrategiesWritten product, quiz, and/or examCriteriaDetermine slope and intercept values using the equation of a lineGraph linear equations manuallyGraph linear equations using ExcelApply graphing to standard curves
Graph exponential equationsAssessment StrategiesWritten product, quiz, and/or examCriteriaExplain the difference between linear and exponential relationshipsGraph exponential relationships manually, using semi-log graph paperGraph exponential relationships using Excel
Perform basic statistical analysis of measurementsAssessment StrategiesWritten product, quiz, and/or examCriteriaDistinguish between mean, median, average, rangeUse standard deviation and %CV to expression precision of measurementsUse percent error to express inaccuracy of measurements
Perform basic calculations related to qualitative and quantitative spectrophotometryAssessment StrategiesWritten product, quiz, and/or examCriteriaCreate and analyze absorbance spectraCreate a standard curve and use it to determine the concentration of an unknown sampleUse Beer’s law to determine the concentration of an unknown sample